GSoC / OPW weekly update.

The selection process continues. Mentors' discretion is increasing, and so
does candidates' curiosity. Even if we have made most of our choices, we
don't know how many slots we will get, and we are bound to a requirement of
confidentiality before candidates are selected on April 21. More than two
weeks to go. Take it easy.

On Monday 7 we will request a number of slots to Google, and by Wednesday 9
we will know how many they have allocated to us.

At the same time, we will decide how many OPW candidates are we aiming to
select. We will commit to a number of internships that Wikimedia will fund,
and probably we will request the GNOME Foundation (organizers of the
program) an additional number of internships to be funded by their
sponsors, a request that they might or might not be able to fulfill.

Candidates can relax a bit. You are encouraged to finish the tasks you
started, and of course we won't stop you from starting new tasks. However,
you don't have to. Most candidates have delivered everything we needed to
evaluate them. Don't be surprised if your mentors are quiet these days;
Google, GNOME and Wikimedia are asking them not to hint or leak any
speculation or resolution. If your mentors need anything from you, they
will ask.

The next update is expected by Wednesday, once we know about the number of
slots available. Thank you candidates, mentors, and rest of the community
for all your work.

On Friday, March 28, 2014, Quim Gil <> wrote:


Quim Gil
Engineering Community Manager @ Wikimedia Foundation
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