On Apr 8, 2014 12:10 PM, "Isarra Yos" <zhoris...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 08/04/14 06:57, S Page wrote:
>> In https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/#/c/124475/ (go back to sans-serif)
>> Legoktm claims "There was a consensus that listing only non-free fonts
>> not acceptable", that's not my recollection.  Was a bug ever filed?
>> Kaldari valiantly tried to put non-free fonts first, that caused bug
>> 63512.  Now as I understand it, we're back to:
>> * Mac users get Helvetica Neue
>> * Windows users get Arial unless they have Helvetica Neue (unlikely) or
>> Helvetica (I can't reproduce bug 63662)
>> * Linux users get whatever F/OSS font fontconfig supplies for the
>> well-known string "Helvetica", I get Nimbus Sans L
>> * Android users ?? (Nobody responded.)
> Linux often gets arial. Anyone with wine will probably have it installed,
too, and most will have wine even if they don't use it. It's not
necessarily a particularly good copy, either.

I have wine. However firefox on my linux seems to think Nimbus sans is a
good match for helvetica and displays that. Arial would look much better.

(This is just an aside, if it was only me having font issues, i would suck
it up and get over it. Im concerned with the larger context)

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