On Thu, Jun 5, 2014 at 4:38 PM, Jon Robson <jdlrob...@gmail.com> wrote:

> So I want to know:
> * What are the blockers for doing this?
> * Are there any use cases / killer features in LiquidThreads that are
> not in Flow that need to be ported over?

Flow doesn't support actual threaded discussions beyond a very limited
depth,[1] meaning that a real threaded discussion is likely to turn into a
morass of comments without clear indication of what is replying to what
unless people actively work around it.[2] Since converted LQT threads are
likely to lack the quoting necessary to work around this misfeature,
they're particularly liable to wind up unreadable if they're at all complex.

Also, bug 57512 comment 31 could use a reply.[3]

 [1]: Although this is a matter of configuration rather than something
hard-coded, I doubt the configuration is going to be changed.
 [2]: I won't go into more detail here about this or about why pings (as
Flow encourages to work around the misfeature) aren't sufficient.
 [3]: https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=57512#c31
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