On 6 June 2014 20:12, Martijn Hoekstra <martijnhoeks...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 6, 2014 at 11:27 AM, David Gerard <dger...@gmail.com> wrote:

>> YMMV. Wikipedia is pretty much enculturated, but RationalWiki gets
>> n00bs *all the time* who object to something on a page. You know what
>> the most frequent reply involves? "Please learn to sign your
>> comments."

> If auto signatures are the best thing LQT/Flow brings, I have a bad feeling
> about it.

That would be a distortion of my point :-) I have mostly found LQT
annoying as a user, but I can see the attraction of a discussion where
the threading is clearly visible, and I'm presuming extensive user
testing will be done - typical mind fallacy is a serious hazard, and
not one Wikimedia can afford.[1] This is why software changes on WMF
wikis are ultimately up to WMF, not the wiki communities.

(Of course, debacles like the introduction of VE show why caution is
still sensible. And I say that as a huge fan and advocate of VE.)

- d.

[1] http://wiki.lesswrong.com/wiki/Typical_mind_fallacy What works for
you or me cannot be presumed to work for the world. Geeks are
regularly *shocked* at what ordinary people make of things.

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