On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 12:20 PM, Rob Lanphier <ro...@wikimedia.org> wrote:

> Is there someone who has the time to perform and publish an independent
> audit on performance specifically?  We currently have this:
> https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Requests_for_comment/HTML_templating_library#Performance
> ...which suggests that Knockoff is 50% faster than then next fastest
> solution (Handlebars), and over 10x faster than most.  If this stands up to
> scrutiny, and holds true as Knockoff gains feature parity, this is a huge
> achievement that we should shout about far and wide, since I believe no one
> disputes that a DOM-based approach is much more secure than a string-based
> approach...

Yes, it's 50% faster, but we're not really comparing apples to apples.
Knockout/T-assembly requires a pre-compilation step, so we should keep that
in mind in the comparisons. The pre-compilation doesn't affect performance,
but it does add a layer of complexity to the process.

The approach that Mantle is taking is pretty interesting, i.e. allowing you
to use any templating system you want as long as it meets certain
assumptions. I would love to see Knockout/T-assembly and Mantle move
towards being compatible with each other (which wouldn't take much work).
Then people who want maximum performance/security can use Knockout and
people who want maximum simplicity can use Mustache, etc. I know there are
probably few people on this list who would think that offering simplicity
is important, but we should remember that we are an open source project
with thousands of 3rd party users, many of whom are not professional
programmers, but would love to be able to tweak the interface and build
simple extensions. Adopting an MVC framework with templating/widgets is a
huge step in the right direction, but we would be squandering the
opportunity, IMO, if our only templating system is too complicated for
novice programmers to figure out how to use. If we can offer the best of
both worlds, that seems like the ideal solution to me.

Ryan Kaldari
Wikitech-l mailing list

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