On Sun, Jan 25, 2015 at 1:27 PM, Legoktm <legoktm.wikipe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 01/15/2015 08:26 PM, Chad wrote:
>> I've been saying for over a year now we should just drop the 1. from
>> the 1.x.y release versions. So the next release would be 25.0, 26.0,
>> etc etc.

-1 from me, for what little that's worth...

> It would allow us to follow semver and still retain
> our current version number history instead of waiting for a magical 2.0.

This logic is the opposite of semver.  Semver says you only bump the
major version number when you make a breaking change.  Since breaking
changes are Bad Things, therefore bumping the major version number is
also a Bad Thing.  It is something that you should strive to *avoid*
having to do.

Under semver, a version number of the form 1.<large integer> is a
*badge of honor*.  It means that you have successfully executed many
releases *without* needing to make a breaking change.  One should
display that initial 1. proudly; one should not consider it to be


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