On Mon, Apr 4, 2016 at 5:21 PM, Niklas Laxström <niklas.laxst...@gmail.com>

> The use case for CX is very different from Translate's page
> translation. Former supports one-time "free form" translation from one
> language to one language. The latter supports maintaining
> content-preserving translations from one language to hundreds of
> languages so that translations can be kept in sync when the source
> text changes.

*nod* one big difficulty with doing a CX-like model for documentation pages
is in synchronizing updates...

I think that in combination with good diff/changeset displays, the CX model
can be extended to support updating translations for edited pages when
we're translating the way we do documentation: with one master copy,
usually English, that has translated 'clones' in other languages. It would
likely be much harder to support back-and-forth edits for multilingual
pages that aren't required to be kept in sync with a master, as with
Wikipedia articles in different languages.

It would be a little different from how <translate> blocks work in that
when new text is added and hasn't been translated yet, you don't see the
updated English text on your localized page. But we can automate a marker
that says the English page has been updated and can link you back to it.

> > 2. Identifying document fragments for translation is another instance of
> the
> > same problem of associating metadata with document fragments *across
> edits*.
> > Citations, content-translation, comments-as-documentation, authorship
> > information, maintaining-association-between-translated-fragments, etc.
> are
> > all different instances of this problem. Translate extension seems to be
> > using comments in wikitext markup as one way to maintain this
> > cross-edit-association. Maybe there is value in thinking about this
> problem
> > broadly.
> Definitely. As we have discussed earlier, the definition of what is a
> "breaking change" does vary between the different use cases, and in
> fact is left to a humans (translation admins) to decide in the page
> translation feature. But the other approach of each tool implementing
> it from scratch is not ideal either.

*nod* with a master->translation model, this is something that can be
human-assisted; note that good heuristics in diff detection can already do
things like detect moved paragraphs, which should help.

> One thing to remember here is that there are two goals with the
> current mark-up. The association of content across edits is only one
> of them (these are the T-comment you refer to). The other goal is to
> specify what is and what is not translatable. For example, one
> frequent use case is to mark for translation only the image captions
> but not rest of the image wikitext mark-up. I am hopeful that some
> heuristics with additional tools for manual correction would reach
> good results for this goal.
> Yet another thing related to this is that we will want to support
> WYSIWYG/HTML translation in Translate. As you might know already,
> Special:Translate has two modes: the list view and the page view. Page
> view should be replaced with interface not much unlike CX, but we also
> need some support for the list view.

+1 on all this. :)

For marking untranslatable bits, I suspect it may be better to default all
text to translatable except where code blocks are explicitly marked. We can
perhaps provide a markup like <nowiki> for <notranslate> as well, which
should be something that can be integrated in both source and visual

> > 3. Are there incremental steps we can take to start deprecating the
> existing
> > <translate> extension solution and move towards some structural metadata
> > solution? Given that translate extension is not used on *all wikis*,
> looking
> > at the wikis where translation is enabled, is there a possibility of
> making
> > this a VE-only / CX-only feature? CX, for example, is already doing work
> to
> > maintain association between translated fragments across document edits.
> What to do with the translate tags is a delicate question and whether
> to stop supporting them altogether is a question that has lots of
> dependencies such as how long there will exist third party wikis
> (where Translate is also used a lot) that prefer to use wikitext
> instead of VE and parsoid or alternatives. See also my thoughts to
> your first question.
> Right now my answer is no: we cannot make this implementation of the
> feature VE or CX only. My preference is to start developing a parallel
> mark-up-less system and to provide migration tools. This new system
> can depend on VE and parsoid and other modern functionality. Its
> implementation will require cross team planning and collaboration.


-- brion
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