Cyken Zeraux <> wrote:

> Public logging isn't very accessible. When you join in a chat after being
> disconnected (like IRC does all the time), you'd like to look through the
> previous discussions easily.

> […]

For ERC, I have the sniplet:

| (defun erc-cmd-TODAYSLOG nil
|   "Show today's log for current channel in a new buffer."
|   (let*
|       ((ch (erc-default-target))
|        (todays-date (format-time-string "%Y%m%d"))
|        (url (concat ""; 
(url-hexify-string ch) "/" todays-date ".txt"))
|        (logbuffername (concat "*Today's log for " ch "*")))
|     (url-retrieve url
|                   (lambda (status logbuffername)
|                     (let
|                         ((url-buffer (current-buffer)))
|                       (switch-to-buffer logbuffername)
|                       (goto-char (point-min))
|                       (url-insert url-buffer)
|                       (delete-region (point) (point-max))
|                       (goto-char (point-min))
|                       (insert (erc-controls-interpret (buffer-string)))
|                       (delete-region (point) (point-max))
|                       (kill-buffer url-buffer)))
|                   (list logbuffername))))

which makes "/todayslog" pop up a buffer with the log for
the current channel and day (there is also

However, I consider IRC communications to be transient, much
like conversations in an office.  When one comes back from a
break or holiday, one does not listen to recordings of all
the chit-chat that happened since leaving.  If something im-
portant has been discussed, then it is the duty of those
having discussed it to inform those who need to know in a
condensed and comprehensive manner.  If it was not impor-
tant, well, then it was not important.


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