Holly Bostick wrote:

Naturally I am. I wouldn't be a very good and responsible member of the FOSS community if I wasn't (and it's important to me to be a good and responsible member of the FOSS community). I haven't started the text yet, though (a bit short on time), and I have a technical problem in that I don't know how to format or submit the text when done (or at least drafted). I keep hearing "submit a patch", but I really don't know how to do that for non-code text or HTML (I don't know how to do it for code either, but I assume that if I could code, I *would* know).

But OK, now that I think of it, a couple of people have submitted documentation updates in the past several weeks; I'll check through my email and see how they did it.

Hello Holly,

If you want we can meet on irc and ill do what I can to help you get started.
You may want to read over a couple links first:


Thanks again for caring :-) -- this is thus the 'reporting back'. I've pretty much got my work cut out for me in terms of 1) reinstalling Wine 2) documenting the apps that I have working 3) posting comments to the appdb and taking on some maintainer's duties for at least a couple of them, but I would appreciate input on how to proceed with a) drumming up some publicity that you guys have really made some wonderful improvements and the disenchanted should drop by and pitch in, and b) providing viable information to the devs in order to tackle some of the problem applications I have tried to install or run.

I really appreciate this opportunity to contribute-- and in case I haven't said lately, you guys are doing a great job. Thank you all very much for Wine and all the related infrastructure.

I would just like to say "Thank You" for all the great constructive criticism that you have given!
This kind of feedback is priceless to say the least, it will help everyone here to better understand just how
a new user looks at this project.



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