Chris Ahrendt wrote:
> Vitaliy Margolen wrote:
>> Chris Ahrendt wrote:
>>> Vitaliy Margolen wrote:
>>>> Chris Ahrendt wrote:
>>>>> Vitaliy Margolen wrote:
>>>>>> Chris Ahrendt wrote:
>>>>>>> Ok I ran make test and got the failure without running 
>>>>>>> Everquest2.exe let me attach the output of maketest. I guess 
>>>>>>> thats a start eh?
>>>>>> You getting off-topic too far here. Make test have nothing to do 
>>>>>> with your game. Especially that you attached complete output of 
>>>>>> everything.
>>>>>> However this lines tell the whole story:
>>>>>>> libGL error: drmMap of framebuffer failed (Cannot allocate memory)
>>>>>>> libGL error: reverting to (slow) indirect rendering
>>>>>> You have broken driver. And I'm afraid your configuration can not 
>>>>>> be supported. You could try and read the faq about how to try and 
>>>>>> fix it. But that still won't fix broken driver.
>>>>>> Vitaliy
>>>>>> PS:
>>>>>> Please do not attach big files to mailing list. If you are asked 
>>>>>> for them - send to that person directly or attach to the bug report.
>>>>>> PPS:
>>>>>> Please take this discussion to the bug report. It's not a general 
>>>>>> case but a game specific. It belongs there not in the developer's 
>>>>>> mailing list. Since you are not a developer yourself and just add 
>>>>>> an extra noise to the mailing list.
>>>>> Actually Vialiy it is a discussion that belongs here... not in bug 
>>>>> fix..
>>>>> I have had that gl error and its not what we are working on... the 
>>>>> problem we are working on was first found in EverQuest2.exe but I 
>>>>> was able to reproduce it without everquest. so its not a game 
>>>>> related issue.
>>>>> Second point.. I was told to bring this sort of discussion over 
>>>>> here to
>>>>> discuss as the patch list is not for general discussion.
>>>> I'm talking about bugzilla. What's the bug number you are referring 
>>>> too?
>>>> Vitaliy.
>>> There are a couple 14072 is one of them...
>> Did you noticed that your patch has nothing to do with what you 
>> talking about here? The bug related to this topic is 14000. And please 
>> don't mix and match multiple things.
>> Reading this thread you talking about:
>> 1. Changing gotos with something
>> 2. Not liking the code
>> 3. PixelFormat.
>> 4. make test failures (not even related to d3d at all)
>> 5. dxdiag crash
>> This is all on top of broken configuration (did you disable fast tls?) 
>> and known bad drivers and particular bad video card.
>> Please stay on topic of pixelformat related problem or you won't get 
>> anywhere trying to fix everything at the same time.
>> For the main topic - you will need to wait for Roderic to chime in on 
>> the reasons behind his code. This area is really fragile and should 
>> not be changed to fix a particular program.
>> Vitaliy.
> Yes I disabled fast tls... configuration is not broken...
The message from the libGL indicates it is.

> the thread was different for each of the topics... I never said I didnt 
> like the code.. if you read where I commented back to stefan I said how 

> I am allowed a personal opinion and respect others opinions.
Nothing wrong about that. And you've been told what is the Wine hackers 
opinion about gotos. That's all. The hardest part in this project is to 
getting used to how things work here.

> I asked stefan where to go next when we were 
> I did some research  and found make test so I ran that. When I ran that I 
> recieved the same problem I was experiencing with everquest.
You ran all the tests. Which line out of the 100s of lines you attached 
indicate you got the same problem?

> Never had a dxdiag crash so you must be mistaking me for someone else.

Bug 14072 Wine Crashes with a Stack dump:

> This patches the stack dump which occurs with Direct X games in Wine on ATI
> --- provider.c        2008-07-15 11:56:57.000000000 -0400
> +++ provider_orig.c   2008-07-11 11:55:55.000000000 -0400
> @@ -665,11 +665,7 @@ static HRESULT DXDiag_InitDXDiagDirectSh
>         }
>         IPropertyBag_Release(pPropFilterBag); pPropFilterBag = NULL;
>       }
> -      if (pEnum != NULL) 
> -        { 
> -           IEnumMoniker_Release(pEnum); 
> -           pEnum = NULL;
> -          }
> +     IEnumMoniker_Release(pEnum); pEnum = NULL;
>        }
>  class_enum_failed:      
>        SysFreeString(wszCatName);

That's the patch for dxdign.dll since nothing else has provider.c. Or you 
pointed to the wrong bug?

> But my card is not bad..
Your card known to have hardware defect in it aggravated by the poor quality 
drivers. You can search bugzilla if you want more details. The point is you 
want to Wine developers to fix something that's broken somewhere else.

> Can we all just quit with the your card is crap stuff and your driver is 
> crap.. yes WE HAVE BEEN MADE AWARE OF THE FACT.  I just want to fix the 
> problem.
Then you are in the wrong place. You should be talking to ATI/AMD right 
about now.

> Wine should not be getting an unhandled exception when it tries 
> to initialise..
It shouldn't unless that crash caused by the bogus information returned from 
the driver. Or worse yet the crash that hapenes in the driver itself. BTW 
what but number that is again? And where are the backtraces of the crash?

You see you haven't done any of the leg work, you don't have any of the 
usable bug reports opened with the information. You don't even have a usable 
back trace attached to any of the bugs. That's where you should start.


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