Le 26/06/2013 09:10, Henri Verbeet a écrit :
On 25 June 2013 18:26, Stefan Dösinger <stefandoesin...@gmail.com> wrote:
While I agree with Henri's statement to some extend - patch reviewing
is a terribly exhausting task - I think the statement was a bit harsh
to say to someone who donates his personal time to the project.

Well, I could try to sugarcoat it a bit, and add in all the little
nuances, about how e.g. a patch that's otherwise great isn't going to
be rejected because of some minor formatting issue, or how someone
that's been with the project for a while would be expected to already
know these things, while a new contributor would perhaps be given some
more patience. But that's really the basic concept. And it's not a
particularly new concept either, or all that specific to Wine.

There are good reasons to have someone else do the review or developped tests. Anyway choking on a typo is a bit exaggerated. The main issue would have been enough.
Someone else did it so that's fine.

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