I remember Angelene fondly for how humble she was about the important role
she played. Among all the big, medium, and ("there are no") small parts,
she may have just played the most important one. And yet she was happy to
watch us stroll/sashay/saunter in and gobble up her fare. She was generous,
patient, and loving, even if we forgot to say thank you to the woman who
clearly loved cooking for a whole passle of students. How lucky so many of
us are.

I have a clear picture in my mind of Doc thrusting her into the limelight
and bragging on Angelene. I like looking at that...



On Thu, Oct 25, 2018 at 5:08 PM Madge Darlington <mmdarling...@gmail.com>

> One time the class had left a mess in the kitchen from a banquet the night
> before. I tried to get up early to clean it up before Angelene arrived but
> she beat me to it. I felt terrible and apologized. I remember Angelene
> saying in her Texan-German accent, "That's ok, Madge. There's always more
> water and we just wash it all away." It was an incredibly kind and wise and
> comforting thing to say and I think about it often.
> Thank you for letting us know, Doc.
> Love,
> Madge
> On Wed, Oct 24, 2018 at 10:23 PM James Ayres <jay...@cvctx.com> wrote:
>> Angelene died today.  She was our cook at Winedale for my 30 years of
>> Shakespeare at Winedale.  She loved cooking and she loved Shakespeare at
>> Winedale.  In 1980 she promised me that she would retire only when I did.
>> And she kept that promise.  Many of you do not know but at the end of each
>> summer, she gave me a greeting card on which she wrote simply “Thanks”.
>> Inside was a folded new 100 bill.  For 30 years.  For Shakespeare at
>> Winedale.  And you likely don’t know that when she cooked fried chicken,
>> she saved the wings for me, hiding them in the kitchen.
>> She loved every one of you too.
>> Doc
>> Jim (Doc) Ayres
>> Professor Emeritus, The University of Texas
>> Founding Director, Shakespeare at Winedale and Camp Shakespeare
>> Director of Mission, Camp Shakespeare
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