Doc, I know that it was from you that I first encountered this story, and
that it inspired in me a lasting love of Borges. For many years, when I
maintained a large library, I had all his volumes available in English,
which is how I encountered other translations of "Everything and Nothing."
That got me interested in the problem of translation, because it was so
easy with Borges's parables to see/hear what kinds of meanings were
obscured and what kinds of meanings were enhanced in different
translations. But the one I've reproduced here--the Irby translation in
LABYRINTHS, is the one that reads the best out loud, in my view, and I
believe it's the one you first introduced to us.



On Wed, Apr 24, 2019 at 9:24 AM James Ayres <> wrote:

> Thanks Mike. I had dinner with him one evening in the ‘60’s when he was  a
> visiting prof in Spanish. After that I read this piece to all of my
> semester classes on the final day.
> Doc
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Apr 23, 2019, at 11:00 PM, Mike Godwin <> wrote:
> As a special Happy Birthday wish, let me share with you my favorite
> translation of Borges's "Everything and Nothing":
> Everything and Nothing
> THERE was no one in him; behind his face (which even through the bad
> paintings of those times resembles no other) and his words, which were
> copious, fantastic and stormy, there was only a bit of coldness, a dream
> dreamt by no one. At first he thought that all people were like him, but
> the astonishment of a friend to whom he had begun to speak of this
> emptiness showed him his error and made him feel always that an individual
> should not differ in outward appearance. Once he thought that in books he
> would find a cure for his ill and thus he learned the small Latin and
> less Greek a contemporary would speak of; later he considered that what he
> sought might well be found in an elemental rite of humanity, and let
> himself be initiated by Anne Hathaway one long June afternoon. At the age
> of twenty-odd years he went to London. Instinctively he had already become
> proficient in the habit of simulating that he was someone, so that others
> would not discover his condition as no one; in London he found the
> profession to which he was predestined, that of the actor, who on a stage
> plays at being another before a gathering of people who play at taking him
> for that other person. His histrionic tasks brought him a singular
> satisfaction, perhaps the first he had ever known; but once -the last verse
> had been acclaimed and the last dead man withdrawn from the stage, the
> hated flavour of unreality returned to him. He ceased to be Ferrex or
> Tamberlane and became no one again. Thus hounded, he took to imagining
> other heroes and other tragic fables. And so, while his flesh fulfilled its
> destiny as flesh in the taverns and brothels of London, the soul that
> inhabited him was Caesar, who disregards the augur's admonition, and
> Juliet. who abhors the lark, and Macbeth, who converses on the plain with
> the witches who are also Fates. No one has ever been so many men as this
> man who like the Egyptian Proteus could exhaust all the guises of reality.
> At times he would leave a confession hidden away in some corner of his
> work, certain that it would not be deciphered; Richard affirms that in his
> person he plays the part of many and Iago claims with curious words 'I am
> not what I am'. The fundamental identity of existing, dreaming and acting
> inspired famous passages of his.
> For twenty years he persisted in that controlled hallucination, but one
> morning he was suddenly gripped by the tedium and the terror of being so
> many kings who die by the sword and so many suffering lovers who converge,
> diverge and melodiously expire. That very day he arranged to sell his
> theatre. Within.. a week he had returned to his native village, where he
> recovered the trees and rivers of his childhood and did not relate them to
> the others his muse had celebrated, illustrious with mythological allusions
> and Latin terms. He had to be 'someone: he was a retired impresario who had
> made his fortune and concerned himself with loans, lawsuits and petty
> usury. It was in this character that he dictated the arid will and
> testament known to us, from which he deliberately excluded all traces of
> pathos or literature. His friends from London would visit his retreat and
> for them he would take up again his role as poet.
> History adds that before or after dying he found himself in the presence
> of God and told Him: 'I who have been so many men in vain want to be one
> and myself.' The voice of the Lord answered from a whirlwind: 'Neither am I
> anyone; I have dreamt the world as you dreamt your work, my Shakespeare,
> and among the forms in my dream are you, who like myself are many and no
> one.'
> From Jorge Luis Borges *Labyrinths* (Penguin, 2000) Trans. J. E. Irby.
> (For your reference, here are links to a couple of other translations.
> People like to try their hand at translating this piece a lot.
> )
> Happy Birthday, Will!
> Love,
> Mike
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