I did too.  We had this same problem when I upgraded to WiSM code

>From the information I could gather, it seemed to be most prevalent in new
Macs and those PCs running some form of Vista.  

We also found that pings, both to and from the wireless client, would stop
responding.  When pings returned, none of the sequence numbers would be
missing but return times would be in the 5,000+ ms range.  

We have since reverted back to WiSM code and those problems have
gone away again.  



Bob Brunke

Wireless/Network Engineer

Telecommunications and Networking

Illinois State University 

309 438 3748




From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Constituent Group Listserv
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Lee H Badman
Sent: Thursday, May 01, 2008 11:18 AM
Subject: [WIRELESS-LAN] WLAN Override- Again a WiSM question


One more question on WiSMs, to check my own sanity. I'm starting to see what
appears to be a trend. Where I have WLAN override selected and applied and
in use for a while with no issues, it seems that randomly SSIDs are either
dropping from the list of selected SSIDs and need to be reapplied, or are in
the list and selected, but not actually being transmitted and require a
reboot to get them to behave again. Is like config is partially lost. I have
seen this around a dozen times over the last several months, not tied to any
specific controller or WLAN, just feels a bit indiscriminate.


Anyone else getting this condition?


Lee H. Badman

Wireless/Network Engineer

Information Technology and Services

Syracuse University

315 443-3003


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