I am also running 7.5, utilizing the mDNS AP feature. This allows the devices (AppleTV's) to be plugged into a wired connection. Much less channel util. when screen-sharing is only going over Wireless in one direction. It works well. The simple guide is here:

You can designate an mDNS ap at the distribution layer, or choose an ap in ea. building, if your need crosses distribution routers.


-----The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Constituent Group Listserv <WIRELESS-LAN@LISTSERV.EDUCAUSE.EDU> wrote: -----

From: Lee H Badman <lhbad...@syr.edu>
Sent by: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Constituent Group Listserv <WIRELESS-LAN@LISTSERV.EDUCAUSE.EDU>
Date: 10/10/2013 08:10AM
Subject: Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] For those of you on Cisco code 7.5, supporting Bonjour, etc...

Hi  Rick-


Thanks for the response.


I guess I knew Prime wasn’t involved in Bonjour per se- I should have asked the question with more clarity. Wondering if PI was helping in any way with the management of zones, etc, as given our size we could have lots of them.


If you don’t mind sharing (could do a call if you’d rather), what is your typical “bring a Bonjour zone to life scenario”? Someone says they want to use AirPlay or AppleTV where you don’t yet have a zone, and then…? Are you seeing cases where it’s being relied on for classroom use, has a hiccup, and becomes an emergency response because instruction is disrupted? And which version of Cisco’s cookbook are you using- the one with Broadcast enabled on the WLAN or the one with Unicast?



Again, Thank you.






From: Rick Coloccia, Jr. [mailto:coloc...@geneseo.edu]
Sent: Thursday, October 10, 2013 11:02 AM
To: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Constituent Group Listserv; Lee H Badman
Subject: Re: For those of you on Cisco code 7.5, supporting Bonjour, etc...


Bonjour first comes to the party with 7.4.  I had a long talk with the Cisco people (many hours over several days inside a tac case regarding bonjour and print servers) about the differences between 7.4 and 7.5 with regard to Bonjour.  7.5 introduces a "zone" concept, where only certain Bonjour sources are repeated to certain place.  The core functionality is the same, though, between 7.4 and 7.5.  If you go to 7.5, you can't go to prime 2, you'll need to wait for prime 2.1.

Now, all that said, we're running, with almost 900 APs on 7 controllers, and Bonjour is working.  Yep. I wrote that.  Apple tvs and printers "just show up."  Users are happy.  Yep.  I wrote that, too.

Prime isn't involved at all in Bounjour, not in the very least. 

Feel free to shoot questions over.


On 10/10/2013 10:54 AM, Lee H Badman wrote:

I have heard tangentially that 7.5 helps the cause of supporting AppleTVs  better than last couple of versions (no discredit to Cisco for trying to solve Apple’s shortcomings). Is there anyone running 7.5 on a big, prod WLAN that can say they are having an acceptable, low-support/low-confusion-for-users experience with lots of Apple Bonjour-dependent devices in use? Is PI helping with this in any way?


Just trying to get a read before we go to 7.5.


(I am aware of Bonjour gateways and what other vendors are doing, hoping to keep answers limited to Cisco 7.5)


Thanks very much-


Lee Badman


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-- Rick Coloccia, Jr. Network Manager State University of NY College at Geneseo 1 College Circle, 119 South Hall Geneseo, NY 14454 V: 585-245-5577 F: 585-245-5579
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