We have 2.4GHz 802.15 locks installed alongside Wi-Fi in quite a few
buildings.  They fit pretty nicely between 802.11 channels, and duty cycle
is so low that interference isn't worth worrying about.

This isn't my area, but I'll share it in case it prevents somebody from
learning this the hard way.  Frequent connections to check for updates can
wear down the batteries in the locks very quickly.  One building was
configured to connect every 15 minutes and the batteries were dead in
three months.  Now we set them up to check twice a day most of the year,
and res hall locks are reconfigured to check every 15 minutes during
move-in weeks only.  Batteries are replaced once a year.

Chuck Enfield
Manager, Wireless Systems & Engineering
Telecommunications & Networking Services
The Pennsylvania State University
110H, USB2, UP, PA 16802
ph: 814.863.8715
fx: 814.865.3988

-----Original Message-----
From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Constituent Group Listserv
[mailto:WIRELESS-LAN@LISTSERV.EDUCAUSE.EDU] On Behalf Of Joshua Wright
Sent: Thursday, July 02, 2015 5:07 PM
Subject: Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] Wireless Door Locks

> Seriously, though, thanks all for sharing your experience... very
helpful indeed.  I know wireless locks are going to happen here, but
perhaps I can convince planners to compromise with an 802.15-based system.

I'm not sure which 802.15 specification you are referring to, but 802.15.4
operates in 2.4 GHz or 868/915 MHz.

This particular Assa Abloy PR100 lock product uses 802.15.4 at 2.4 GHz (by
far the most prevalent frequency for 802.15.4 deployments):


802.15.4 channels are 2 MHz, and can be deployed between 802.11 channels
1/6/11 at 2.4 GHz with some success.  This is a good read on 802.11 2.4
GHz and 802.15.4 2.4 GHz coexistence.



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