Here is my suggestion:

Create a separate mobility group for your satellite controller.
If you can separate the mobility groups for the 2 8540 pairs I would do that. 
However, if people can roam from one building to another and they are not in 
the same mobility group you will see client issues. You will also get rogue 

Really it comes down to the ability to separate geographically, if you can do 
that you are set. If not, then use the same group for the 2 8540s.

We use a lot of AP Groups and AP templates in Prime to help separate networks 
and provision. Deploying the templates can be done by building which really 
eases that process.

Hope this helps….

TJ McClintic

From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Constituent Group Listserv 
[mailto:WIRELESS-LAN@LISTSERV.EDUCAUSE.EDU] On Behalf Of Chris Wandell
Sent: Tuesday, August 9, 2016 12:12 PM
Subject: [WIRELESS-LAN] Wireless Mobility

We are in the process of setting up new wireless controllers at Binghamton 
University. We will be setting up 2 sets of 8540 ha paired controllers on our 
main campus and 1 set of 5520 ha paired controllers on a satellite campus. This 
will be the first time we have housed controllers at the satellite campus. 
Currently we have 3 sets of Wism2 controllers on campus and let access points 
associate to any of our controllers. All current controllers are in the same 
mobility group. What we would like to do to is break up ap's by building, with 
each ap in a building having a defined primary and secondary controller. My 
question is would we still need the mobility group for our controllers?

Any problems concerns you see by doing this?

Thanks in advance for any input

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