
We are on and we are seeing the same issue dropping/re-associating 
with the 702W’s but not with the 1815W’s as well.
We are also seeing (just started this semester) that devices are associated and 
connected but  unable to pass traffic, this will last anywhere from 30 seconds 
to 10 minutes (unless they turn off/on the radio again). Seems to primarily 
impact MacBook’s, they can’t ping or browser to any local or remote hosts 
during this time.

I’ve had a few cases open with TAC, I suggested the issue being with the 702W’s 
as well, because we do not see the issue with any of the non-hospitality AP’s 
in academic spaces or the 1815’s in housing. TAC is saying must be a local RF 
issue… but I’m not convinced.


Kyle Nielsen
Senior Network Systems Engineer
Information Technology

Grand Valley State University
225 Manitou Hall
Allendale, MI 49401
office: 616-331-9104<>

From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Community Group Listserv 
Sent: Friday, November 20, 2020 12:59 PM
Subject: Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] 8540 Code version- holiday work


We’re currently running, and its been running fine for us for a long 
time, despite multiple comments on this list of problems with that code.

However just within in last couple of months or so we’ve been chasing problems 
with clients in dorms connecting to 702w (but dorms with 1815w are fine).  
Clients keep dropping and re-associating; rapid tx errors causing 
de-associating then coming back in the logs etc...

We think something had to have changed on the client side as we’ve had no 
issues for a long time prior… students bought a bunch of new ax chipsets this 
semester that don’t like older N radios?, bigsur updates?… haven’t been able to 
pin it down.

Cisco won’t say much more than ditch 702w… but can’t do that on a dime of 

We have been targeting and as an upgrade path to see if it 
helps. is the recommended TAC release, but I have a somewhat 
irrational feeling to try first.  Your comments about not 
totally sucking vindicate my feeling!  :)

Matt Craig
Network Engineer
Information and Communication Technologies
New Mexico State University

On Nov 20, 2020, at 4:30 AM, Lee H Badman 

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Knowing that there is no easy answer on questions of Cisco code versions, I’ll 
throw it out there anyways. We have been on for quite some time now , 
with mostly good reliability for 3700s and 3800s alike (occasional need to 
reboot 3700s), We are due to minimally reboot everything, and I’ve been 
following the various discussions regarding code bugs and specific client 
issues these past few months.

So curious- is there a solid, reliable newer version to consider? We are not in 
a hurry to get into .11ax yet for a number of reasons. Given the long and 
problematic history of WLC code, has been as close to “wow, it 
actually doesn’t totally suck” as we’ve ever been.


Lee Badman | Network Architect (CWNE#200)
Information Technology Services
(NDD Group)
206 Machinery Hall
120 Smith Drive
Syracuse, New York 13244
t 315.443.3003   e<> w<>
Campus Wireless Policy:<>

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