Our standard WLANs in our University are secured network, guest, and eduroam. 
We broadcast the same SSIDS both indoors and outdoors for the mentioned reason 
of a seamless experience and there will be times that both will bleed over the 
other. We have specific WLANs and SSIDs for outside vendors since we wanted to 
segment those outside our secured/academic network.


Wireless Network Architect
UCF IT Telecommunications
University of Central Florida

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From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Community Group Listserv 
<WIRELESS-LAN@LISTSERV.EDUCAUSE.EDU> on behalf of Mike Atkins <matk...@nd.edu>
Reply-To: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Community Group Listserv 
Date: Thursday, February 18, 2021 at 5:54 PM
Subject: [WIRELESS-LAN] Outdoor WLANs?

For those of you running outdoor Wi-Fi covering public space, do you broadcast 
the same WLANs as in building?  Do you have a specific strategy for why or why 

Being a Northern Indiana campus, the demand for outdoor Wi-Fi during the school 
year has been fairly low.  Last year has changed this for all of us.  We face 
the same challenges as everyone else with cost/aesthetics vs return on 
investment.  We are looking to provide some legit coverage this year and get 
out of the "temporary" outdoor setups.  We are a two SSID campus with eduroam 
being our dot1X secure network and ND-guest being open unauthenticated Internet 
access only "guest" network. The question came up out of a discussion related 
to ensuring performance for faculty/staff/students in the public outdoor spaces 
but my other concern is for our Information Security group.  An open guest 
network might be okay in a building where we can track your device down fairly 
quickly but outdoors might complicate this.  I think the campus user 
expectation is both SSID's everywhere.  Trying to get some thoughts from around 
the block.


Mike Atkins
Infrastructure Architect
Office of Information Technology
University of Notre Dame
Phone: 574-631-7210

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