Very well stated, Tom. 

I think there may reason to make some market distinction.  In the part of rural Indiana I live in, servicing residential customers  with "wireless DSL" is probably not bad marketing.  Selling it that way to most businesses would not be so beneficial, especially when doing the type of service you describe.  So, if a prospective residential asks about DSL, yeah, we do that, just without wires.  If a business wants true T1 or similar replacement, I am not going to sell them DSL, I am going to sell them a T1 replacement.

Marketing, marketing, it's all about the customer's perception, as I beleive Tom has pointed out in previous posts as well.

Scott Reed
Wireless Networking
Network Design, Installation and Administration

---------- Original Message -----------
From: "Tom DeReggi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "WISPA General List" <>
Sent: Wed, 5 Apr 2006 10:13:10 -0400
Subject: Re: [WISPA] DSL vs. Wireless Broadband

> Agreed excellent point (wireless scares and confuses people), except....
> Why associate your service with DSL, a low grade $39 a month service, as
> advertized by Verizon?
> Why not associate it with T1 or just Broadband, higher quality services?
> If you associate it with DSL, then your are also associating it with the
> same quality and price. They think you are ripping them off charging $150 a
> month when they can get it for $39 a month down the street.  When in
> accuality you are saving them 70% off their T1 line.
> Let me share a case that happened just yesterday.  I got a call for DSL,
> they currently had voip and data on a T1, and they were looking for a DSL
> line to transfer the Internet Data to, to free up bandwidth on their T1 for
> their VOIP.  It was a 15 minute close over the phone, since we had the MTU
> building lit, and represented we could have their new circuit installed the
> following day. I represented we were selling broadband, a T1 replacement. I
> made the mistake of leavingthe labeling of the contract heading as "Wireless
> Broadband Agreement". The customer saw Wireless and didn;t sign, and asked
> to cancel order. I'm now likely going to win the client back, after most of
> yesterday on the phone answering questions from everyone under the sun. The
> problem was the customers computer consultant, had used Wireless in Texas,
> and had nothing but troubles. He stated tons of Lightning related electrical
> problem that disrupted service regularly. (It was a Wifi service he was
> using, there.) The question they asked me was, why is my service able to
> compare againt T1 apposed to DSL, to justify the higher price? They looked
> at it as a lower grade service.  My solution however, was a high end
> service. It was an Engineered 30 mbps TDD 4 mile link with a Direct path
> from the building to my core fiber peering point. I even have fiber in the
> building at $500, but don't use it, because the fiber has 4-5 hops to my
> transit location compared to my wireless that is a direct shot and bypasses
> many points of failure. I'll probably still get the business but after much
> sales agrevation and providing a good number of references.
> So its a valid point that Wireless does still scare some people. And Poor
> quality Wireless providers ruin the rep for the good quality WISPs.  But my
> bigger point is that some customers actually think DSL is more reliable than
> an engineered wireless link used to replace Fiber and T1s.  So branding
> Wireless as DSL, does not helpthe industry, it lowers the value of what we
> do.
> I've been plaqued by this problem, as my company name is... "RapidDSL".  It
> gets me the leads, but it also starts every sales call out with why I'm
> charging more than $50 a month for my service, that I generally get
> $150-$500 a month for.
> We now market our service as "Broadband" period. It has made all the
> difference. We don't lie about using wireless, its plastered all over our
> website. But why advertise something that just confuses everyone and costs
> everyone time to sort out.
> Tom DeReggi
> RapidDSL & Wireless, Inc
> IntAirNet- Fixed Wireless Broadband
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Rick Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "WISPA General List" <>
> Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2006 8:55 AM
> Subject: Re: [WISPA] DSL vs. Wireless Broadband
> > great point! :)
> >
> > Scott Reed wrote:
> >
> >> Who says the L in  DSL must be Line?  Call it Digital Subsciber Link and
> >> it works for the customer and uses our normal language for the radio
> >> connection.
> >>
> >> Scott Reed
> >> Owner
> >> NewWays
> >> Wireless Networking
> >> Network Design, Installation and Administration
> >> <>
> >>
> >>
> >> *---------- Original Message -----------*
> >> From: Rick Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >> To: WISPA General List <>
> >> Sent: Wed, 05 Apr 2006 00:39:48 -0400
> >> Subject: Re: [WISPA] DSL vs. Wireless Broadband
> >>
> >> > We find we can NOT sell our service as "Wireless Broadband"
> >> >
> >> > As soon as we market it to customers as DSL or just plain
> >> > "High Speed Internet", we start scoring.
> >> >
> >> > Too many in this area have been educated against "Open WIFI"
> >> > being BAD...
> >> >
> >> > The cable we install to the radio is a "line", right ?
> >> > It carries digital signals, right ?
> >> > It allows our customer to become a "subscriber", right ?
> >> >
> >> > DSL... ;)
> >> >
> >> > KyWiFi LLC wrote:
> >> >
> >> > >I'm noticing more and more WISP's selling their wireless
> >> > >broadband service as "DSL" or "Wireless DSL". I know
> >> > >that 75% of the people who call our sales number have
> >> > >a difficult time understanding what Wireless Broadband is.
> >> > >They already know what DSL is and that is what the majority
> >> > >of them ask for so I would be interested in hearing everyone's
> >> > >opinions on the pros and cons of a WISP labeling their
> >> > >wireless broadband service as "DSL, wDSL or Wireless DSL"
> >> > >instead of "Fixed Wireless, WiFI or Wireless Broadband".
> >> > >
> >> > >If the masses are more familiar with the term DSL then I
> >> > >think we would generate more sales leads by advertising
> >> > >our (WISPs') broadband as DSL instead of Wireless
> >> > >Broadband. I'm sure the local telco would just love to see
> >> > >all of us selling "DSL". Are there any legalities to this? Does
> >> > >wireless broadband qualify as DSL or a form of DSL in the
> >> > >eyes of the law? Is it legal for a WISP to sell their wireless
> >> > >broadband service as DSL?
> >> > >
> >> > >
> >> > >Sincerely,
> >> > >Shannon D. Denniston, Co-Founder
> >> > >KyWiFi, LLC - Mt. Sterling, Kentucky
> >> > > <>
> >> > > <>
> >> > >Phone: 859.274.4033
> >> > >A Broadband Phone & Internet Provider
> >> > >
> >> > >==============================
> >> > >Wireless Broadband, Local Calling and
> >> > >UNLIMITED Long Distance only $69!
> >> > >
> >> > >No Taxes, No Regulatory Fees, No Hassles
> >> > >
> >> > >FREE Site Survey: <>
> >> > >==============================
> >> > >
> >> > --
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