On Wed, 21 Feb 2007 00:49:32 -0500, Rick Smith wrote
> Telcos.  They're going to get what they want @ the FCC, which is to 
> put the little guys out of business.  It'll just be a matter of time 
> and money, and we don't have much of either.

I'd agree with you, if you take the "first impression" too.  Problem is, I 
don't really know this.  Nor do I think it strongly either. 

Several reasons:
1.  We're far enough down the food chain that the telco / cableco wars are 
going to result in a lot of blood on the ground and it won't much be our 

2.  Three years is really an eternity when it comes to how rapid change has 
been will be and lots of perspectives have been adjusting.  

> Of course, wasn't it Marlon that said that that's what people said 
> about us 5 yrs ago and here we are, still, today?

Well, I said 2 years ago that I am willing and able to take on ANYONE and can 
find a way to get myself enough market share to survive against 
ANYONE...except the government.  They're the only people we can't survive.  

> Look at it this way.  If you're building to sell, you're building  
> fast and furious right now, just to put yourself in the way of the 
> next one that comes along.
> At some point you're going to amass enough users to make it more attractive
> to the Verizons and the SBC's of the world to  just buy you out 
> instead of marketing to all your customers, who are really happy 
> campers and don't WANT to switch.

If I had 1000 customers today, and was asked to take a half million dollars 
and walk away... I don't believe I would.  I know that seems a bit crazy, but 
at this point in my life, going to work for someone else... is about as 
attractive as eating cow pies.  

However, I think ALL of us should be diligently looking for ways to get 
beyond just that 'net connection.   Video, tv, ( we're all aware of VOIP, of 
course ), and ... well, what else?   We should be building our networks with 
the idea that there's a future beyond surfing.  We can be competitive, 
especially if we team up in numbers.  


Mark Koskenmaki  <> Neofast, Inc
Broadband for the Walla Walla Valley and Blue Mountains

WISPA Wireless List: wireless@wispa.org


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