
wispa wrote:
I have been attempting for how long now, to get across to you people that this whole CALEA flap for ISP's is NOT LAW, but opinion from the FCC, where it's attempting to write law instead of Congress. It's a mess, because it's NOT LAW, only Congress can write law and it has yet to write a law that says we have to do squat.
Did you even bother to read the press release mentioned in your recent post?

As quoted from the press release mentioned above;

"Congress enacted CALEA in 1994 to help the nation's law enforcement community maintain its ability to use court-authorized electronic surveillance as an important investigative tool in an era of new telecommunications technologies and services. Today, electronic surveillance plays a vitally important role in law enforcement's ability to ensure national security and public safety."

Also quoted from the same press release;

"Specifically, the petition requests the FCC establish rules that formally identify services and entities covered by CALEA, so both law enforcement and industry are on notice with respect to CALEA obligations and compliance. The petition makes this request because disagreements continue between industry and law enforcement over whether certain services are subject to CALEA. The petition requests the FCC find “broadband access” and “broadband telephony” to be subject to CALEA."

Got any links for these other places you speak of?

Below is a link to the latest report about CALEA and the reclassification of Wireless Providers as information services in case anyone is interested in reading. Page 18 and 19 make for some interesting reading. ;-)

Dawn DiPietro
WISPA Wireless List:



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