The other issue is equipment... you are willing to spend $20k RIGHT NOW for the license, but it would be at least a year before any equipment was available, and then it would be $500 per CPE and $10k per base station.

A lot of the WISPs on this list spend an hour building a CPE to save $5. You think they are going to buy $500 CPE? Of course the price would come down, but that would be years from now.

You should consider that for $20k, you could easily put up 4 towers using equipment that is available today, and cover those customers that you are turning away, TODAY.

I have always said we need to get the customers signed up and installed NOW. TODAY. If they can't get our service, they will go with something else, and then they are gone forever. I have put up a new tower in a single day (backhaul, AP, router, etc.) because we had an area that we had two NOGO's (as we call them) in that area. We went back the next day and installed those two customers.

Spend the money TODAY and use equipment that is available TODAY. Get those customers installed TODAY.

Just my $0.02 worth.


John Scrivner wrote:

Travis Johnson wrote:


This is just my opinion, but I seriously doubt the FCC is just going to "give" away 700MHz licenses, even on a per base station basis.

I never said they should "give" it to us. I said they should have base station sized auctions. They can include an opening bid amount. They always do.

And the WISP community is not going to spend even $5,000 per license if they could.

I would spend $20K+ per base station license. I am not kidding. I would do it in a heartbeat because I could make it back in one year alone from not having to tell people NO when we could not get them signal.

The cell companies will be bidding, and once again it will be in the millions of dollars per region.

It is like farm ground. We are the farmers. None of us can farm if we have to buy a million square acres of ground to farm. It is not fair. It is exactly the same correlation and the FCC needs to hear it. (And understand it which is a big stretch for them)

Honestly, what would you do if you were the FCC? Deal with hundreds or thousands of little operators at $5,000 per license, or sell 3 or 4 licenses for the entire US for millions of dollars?

It is NOT about what is easier for them. It is a matter of what is best for the country. Enabling thousands of new bustling and growing entrepreneurs to build local wireless communication broadband companies is the smartest thing they could do which is why they will not do it.


John Scrivner wrote:

Apparently there is a meeting scheduled today, April 25, at the FCC over how the 700 MHz band is going to be split up for auction. It amazes me how we can be kept in the dark about these meetings. If anyone can tell me how to get included on announcements of such meetings I need to know about it. This really angers me that we are not there with some representation today. If anyone reads this who is near the DC area please go to this meeting and tell them we need spectrum to be made available on a base station license basis. They need to auction off individual base station licenses or reserve some for a flat fee so all of us can compete. If they do not then hundreds if not thousands of operators who are now serving rural broadband will not be able to compete. This is an anti-competitive problem that the FCC needs to address with this auction. This is a big deal. If we do not get some 700 MHz or similar sub- 1 GHz spectrum it is going to be very bad for us all.

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