Lonnie Nunweiler wrote:

I'm going out on a limb and will voice some things that have been suppressed.

I get your point that you think I am a freeloader and do not
contribute.  My problem for not joining is not a money one, but rather
one of principle.

I did get involved early on and saw that there was still an old guard
of the good old boys.  They played favorites early on and still do.
Is it proper to support that?  It would be very BAD for the Industry
if one were to push and fight the GOB's, but, and this in not an
excuse, I do not have to time for such fights.
Do I support WISPA?  Partly.  When things like CALEA come up and
people are sent to talk with the FBI and FCC, what is their game plan?
What are they trying to do for the membership?

I feel that WISPA should have taken a much harder line on that and
other issues.  Any members who spoke against what the FBI and FCC told
the WISPA group were quickly put down and isolated.  It was disgusting
to watch.  It certainly was not a functioning democracy.  It was
pretty heavy handed.

I am guessing the way Mark K was verbally beat up on the list by many may have led to some of what Lonnie refers to as the "Good Old Boys" heavy handed words. I guess I am the Prez of that GOB he refers to so here is an excerpt from an April 22nd post in what I believe was my last post toward Mark in regard to his stance on CALEA:

(Quote from April 22nd post "FCC Admits Mistakes In Measuring Broadband")
I think one of WISPA's jobs is to allow some open access for industry debate and discussion about issues. I openly support having Mark and others to air their ideas, even when, and especially when, those ideas conflict with WISPA policy and/or views of leadership. This public list is here to be that forum. To serve the industry we must hear from the industry. WISPA is here to serve our members but it is more important for us to serve the entire industry. That means we have to hear from them and consider what is best for the industry as our first priority.
(End Quote)

Lonnie, am I part of that "GOB" or was my support of Mark (who was speaking against the WISPA CALEA effort with great vigor) something you missed previously? If you did not like my words back to Mark from time to time then you should at least acknowledge that I publicly approved of his right to speak out against the CALEA efforts and how WISPA was handling them, despite my own personal feelings on the subject. Nobody in WISPA leadership acted to stop any effort to protest CALEA. In fact there was open support of the efforts of a Senator who was working on a relief plan for small operators. Jack Unger was heading that up. Who was helping small operators for relief of CALEA regulations? I argue it was WISPA as much as anyone else. If you know of others who did more then please send me a URL. Maybe I will send them a donation. Nobody wants CALEA shoved up their backside but somebody has to do the heavy lifting. Somebody has to cover the collective asses of the WISPs who might get a lawful intercept order. That somebody happens to be the WISPA CALEA Committee which is made up of a number of people who are working hard to help. That is their only agenda in regard to the committee work being done. I am sure some will profit from doing the work. Is there anything wrong with that? I say NO. More power to them.

Lonnie, I have no problem with you kicking me or WISPA when it is founded. I have my doubts you have a claim here. My advice to you is to lead, follow or get out of the way.

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