Remember when Google was buying up dark fiber?
It scared everyone.

Now Google is going to bid on spectrum IF a bunch of conditions are met.
Those conditions will NOT be met. (Have you forgotten who chairs the FCC?)
So it is probably just a ploy.

And if they DO win some spectrum, the rules will be that it has to be Wholesale - so anyone can sell on it.

Google will be on top until they screw up. Like Yahoo. Like AltaVista. Like Excite. Like Lycos. Like Ask.

They make money because they are the most used search engine. Not the best. The most used. So that is where advertising dollars go. It can change. It often does.

BTW, Google will peer with you for free. SO if 44% of your bandwidth is for Google, they just saved you on IP bamdwidth costs. Anyone else doing that?

I can't believe I am agreeing with Mike E. but I don't see them as any more evil than any other company. And having watched them try to do Muni Wi-Fi in their town. Going Nationwide? Not very likely.

Travis are you the one who created his own Google Adwords home page to collect a check from Google for doing searches?

I know what MAAWG is ( - do they actually DO anything?) but CEAS???

- Peter @ RAD-INFO

Travis Johnson wrote:
And thus you just hit the nail on the head... and it brings us back full circle to the original subject of this thread...

Google is going to bid on 700mhz spectrum... billions of dollars... then, once they own it, they are going to start some type of wireless internet service using that spectrum... and then, they WILL be competing directly with all the ISP's. And, they will probably give the service away FREE, just like they do now with their WiFi service. Can you compete with FREE service, using 700mhz NLOS technology (meaning self-install, take the modem with you to work type service)?

So, now who's your friend? They have a huge recurring income from the search engine, so they don't have to make a dime on other services... gmail, Google Earth, etc. are all examples. They will just add 700mhz wireless to the list of "free" things they provide.


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