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Zack Kneisley wrote:
I can see where you are coming from, but is this not an open list?

You bet it is open. Thanks to people who pay the dues and donate their time to keep it that way.
 I think
that denying a person advice based on their business structure is a bit
rude. I'm not sure how this would come across to Robert, but I know how it
would come across to me.
What did I deny this guy? I consider it rude to use open list resources as a place to build market data on our industry without throwing a little money in the kitty. I pay my dues, year in and year out, I donate my time. So if people want to use this list to develop a new business model that includes making money from the WISPs who are on here then all I am saying is that it is "rude" to not throw some money our way and show you support our industry. How is what this guy is doing with his "number one placement Google ad bot" any different than someone trying to sell you or me a better access point or something? We would not allow that without being a vendor here. I guess the real issue I have about your argument here is that this list is open and I should be allowed to explain why I think he should pay a vendor dues payment just as freely as you are to say I am rude.

I am not telling Robert he cannot do what he is doing. I just think it would be better for him to formalize his relationship with WISPA if he is intending to use our resources to market to our membership here. That is what we ask of any other vendor.

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