...And by the way Allen, whatever the route you took to get back, I am
just glad you are. As I said before, you were missed. You were, are, and
always will be one of the good guys.

One day many of us should hit the porch with some scotch, a good laptop
and good wireless connection :) and write a book.

Patrick Leary
AVP, Market Development
Alvarion, Inc.
o: 650.314.2628
c: 760.580.0080

Visit Alvarion at WiMAX World
Chicago, September 25-27
Booth #409

-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Patrick Leary
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2007 8:21 AM
To: WISPA General List
Subject: RE: [WISPA] The MOBL Sage (Warning: Long Post)

Quite a story Allen. I am aware of some minor parts of the MobilePRO
saga. Bruce Sanquinetti was the former president of the U.S. subsidiary
of BreezeCOM. He left BreezeCOM the same week I joined in August of
1999. He was a pretty mercurial guy from what I gathered by those that
had worked with him. I am glad he left (or was asked to leave, I don't
know which), because the corporate culture I have always worked under
and tried to foster is a much different type and Lord knows I don't do
well with autocrats -- I am, er, a bit too opinionated. I am now into my
9th year.

Anyway, after BreezeCOM Bruce went on looking for the Next Big Thing,
first trying to lead the old Wave Wireless out of Sarasota, FL. That did
not go so well and he went on to start-up a new chip company. That went
south and the next I heard was that he had joined MobilePRO. I think he
did that for only about a year, then left that too. I have no idea what
he is up to now.

Your tale is certainly a cautionary one. My advice to WISPs is that if
you are trying to exit via a sale of the company you built with your
blood, sweat, tears and personal dollars ONLY sell for cash. Fortunately
Allen you did get 1/2 in cash and you were smart enough to sell your
shares as soon as you could.


-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Allen Marsalis
Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2007 8:24 PM
To: wireless@wispa.org
Subject: [WISPA] The MOBL Sage (Warning: Long Post)

>Hello Allen,
>Good to see you back and doing well.  Curious to hear your take on the
>MobilePro saga.  On or off list is good with me.

The  Friends

Quite a few people have asked me (A) what have I 
been doing lately? And (B) please tell me the 
MobilePro saga.  It means a lot to me that some 
of you have asked about me.  It has hit me that 
although only have a handful of friends here in 
town, I did have 100+ friends in this 
industry!  Thank you all for your kind thoughts 
and I do apologize for dropping off the planet 
like I did.  That was my loss more than anyone 
else's.  You are some of the finest people I have 
ever met in my life, besides my old ShreveNet 
staff.  You know how I felt about my crew.  Heck, 
you all helped me train them!  ;)

The Saga

I will start with the MobilePro Saga and get it 
out of the way and move on to more positive 
things like the goodthings I have been up to in 
the past year or two.  I tell you "The Saga" not 
as an excuse for my hiatus from the wireless 
industry, and excuse for my strange behavior, but 
well.......(get it? "Well", that's a deep subject, 
LOL) well...........because some of you asked me too 
(cough cough Brad Belton cough cough).

Here goes......

It is somewhat of an interesting story I guess, 
for inside industry people like us, or else this 
might be extremely Off Topic for this list.  As a 
WISP, this is not as easy story for me to 
tell.  Not a happy story for me.  I would like to 
tell the story and forget as much as possible and 
move on.  Perhaps there is something that you can 
learn from this (yeah like Allen is not so smart 
after all? - (Maybe and maybe not, you decide)

The Disclaimer

It has been over 3 years since the sale of my 
(W)ISP to MobilePro.  I am no longer under any 
agreement or obligation.  I am now entitled to 
express my opinion right or wrong.  This is my opinion and only my

The Beginning

Roll the clock back to 2004.  Life is pretty 
good.  Speaking at WISPCON.  Drinking Romulan Ale 
with some of the finest people on the 
planet.  (now argue that point)   Why on earth 
would I want to sell my company?  The WISP of my 
dreams?  Whatsup wit dat?   There were a whole 
host of reasons for selling out and many of which 
were personal some were reasonable, and some 
might have been downright psychotic.  Here are 
some of the reasons I had for selling, just in 
case any of you ever consider selling 
yourself.  That might be one of the most 
difficult decisions you ever make.  Choose wisely!

(A) I was not a "pureplay".  We offered wireless, 
DSL, dialup, T1, hosting, web design, hotspots, 
you name it, I tried it all.  My problems began 
as I began to take a beating on dialup amid new 
competition with cablemodem and several DSL 
carriers.  I was bleeding revenues about 1% of 
month despite growth in broadband areas (DSL, 
wireless and T1) But I was all over the Northern 
state.  Not much DSL and T1 out there in the 
boonies.  And wireless was relatively a new trick 
for everyone back in those days.

I was debt free until 1999 when I acquired the 
second largest ISP in the area (I was the 
largest).  With this new debt, I borrowed even 
more to host all these new customers.  (The old 
ISP was using crap)  I got a good interest rate 
with the bank and with my father, both who backed 
me.  LOL, then we REALLY started growing fast! 
(mainly dialup)  So much of this debt was the 
result of left over baggage from the dial days 
plus the acquisition days and subsequent growth days.

I began looking into my crystal ball and began to 
worry seeing an ever changing future in 
broadband. (especially wireless) Would I ever get 
this debt paid off in time before I must prepare 
for the next round of change?  Then bang, my 
father came down with melanoma cancer in his 
lungs. This was right after Matt Larsen's Dad 
died.   My Dad already had prostate cancer and 
basil cell carcinoma. (3 types total) at this 
time (04)  My doctor told me he probably wouldn't 
see his next birthday.  He was 84 at the time.  I 
wanted to pay off my Dad before he passed 
away.  That was a major factor.  It was important 
to me that he be proud of his remaining only son.

The First Lesson

All Doctors aren't always right.  My father found 
some new doctors with new ideas and had 3 very 
targeted lung surgeries (1 per year) and is doing 
remarkably well now for an 87 year old man.  I am 
very proud of him.  He is one "tough old bird" 
and just like the energizer bunny, he keeps going 
and going and going.  He still drives to his 
office every day for a few hours every day.  I'm 
on the 5th floor and he is on the 11th floor, 
still at 333 Texas all these many years. (He longer than I)

Also a part of this lesson is to use various 
domain names for unique services.  That way you 
can sell part and not all of a property. (as needed)

More Reasons

Around that time I suddenly had a "bad back".  I 
didn't know what was wrong with my back. Looking 
back, I am convinced it was hauling all those 
cinder blocks and sakcrete bags up ladders on my 
shoulders along with my crew.  While at the 
doctors, they said I had a bad test (you don't 
want TMI) and further testing showed a kidney 
stone.  Long story short is -- I may have had one 
and passed it, but outpatient surgery yielded no 
stone.  Stone free, my back was still bad and got 
me really down.  To this day I don't think I ever 
even had a kidney stone.  Anyway, I increased my 
evening dose of "Romulan Ale" which does help by the way  :)

The Second Lesson

Take care out there on the jobsite.  Both you and 
your crew.  Ever see one of those "kidney belts" 
strapped around employees at Home Depot?  No job 
is worth life or injury.  I bought a new 
tempurpedic mattress and my back is MUCH better 
nowadays.  Maybe 90% perfect now.  Watch those 
"ballast" mount jobs.  They are killer.

Continue the Saga and Get on With It PLEASE!

So I succumbed under all the pressure of all 
this, plus the normal pressures of raising a 
family yada yada, and I signed on with a new dot 
com broker.  He hooked me up with MobilePro and 
the negotiations began with it's new CEO and 
Chairman of the Board (Not a good combination)  A 
CEO should never be the Chairman of the Board at 
the same time, which is not illegal but at the 
same time , it is somewhat shady in my amateur 
stockbroker option.  For example, if a 
disgruntled shareholder wants to go past the CEO 
and email the Board directly, well guess 
what?  The CEO is the Chairman of the Board! So 
he decides if the letter should be passed on to 
the Board or not.  But I digress....

I was looking for a new investor to replace my 
Dad.  I asked the buyer questions such as 
this.  "Are you going to keep my staff, or lay 
them all off?"  (You know how I felt about my 
staff)  The answers I got were like this.  "Of 
course we want your staff.  Why else would be buy 
the company if we didn't want the people who 
built it".  Next question, "Are you going to put 
us into retention mode, or invest in 
wireless?"  Answer; "Invest in wireless.  We are 
a wireless company. We have $100MM and you will 
be The Wireless Director for the entire nation". 
Good Answers!  SOLD!  I received half cash and 
half MOBL shares after all my debts were 
paid.  By law I had to hold those shares for 12 
months (Rule 144 of the Tax Act of 1933)

The MobilePro Story

MobilePro purchases about 10 or 11 ISP's 
total.  I was #4.  Then they purchased the 
nation's largest independent phone booth company 
(Davel), and after that, a couple of CLEC's (AFN 
and CloseCall).  Why phone booths I 
pondered?  Answer; to build WIFI hotspots out of 
them.   Well that turned out to be a total joke, 
and I never could convince anyone at MOBL to 
build out even 10 or 12 (out of 40,000 booths) as 
a test project.  I had significant Subscriber 
Gateway experience at that point building 
hotspots using Routerboards if you recall.  That 
was all part of the "pump and dump" IMHO.

Meanwhile, the ISP's were going through a "train 
wreck integration" plan masterminded by the 
clueless head of the ISP division. Our customers 
started to complain big time.  Now my job shifted 
to "damage control" as the local flavor of these 
ISP's was dismantled and centralized out of 
state. Email service was deteriorating (even mail 
spools being lost) and it became clear the 
company was not going to invest a penny in any of 
the ISP's but rather bleed them to pay new 
expenses (salaries at top levels for 
example).  There was much piercing of the "corporate veil".

I experienced some low points.  For instance, I 
employed a quadriplegic who was one of my best 
call center (tech support) employees. He could 
move one arm enough to operate a mouse. He was as 
high school football star injured during a 
game.  He was a favorite with our customer base 
and was in the newspaper and got more positive 
feedback than just about all other employees 
combined.  I received the order to terminate him 
as they were running adds in Arizona for their 
new centralized call center at, get this, more 
money than I paid this person with over 7 years experience!  Go

The Ditch

One day I spoke with my lawyer whose firm was a 
long time customer of mine in the same building 
(333 Texas St), and he asked me why MP was 
running things off into a ditch!  I said, Heck, I 
dunno, why don't you call their lawyer and ask 
them?  As an investor I was concerned with what I 
was seeing on a daily basis, and nobody seemed to 
even care.  Go for it.  So my attorney called 
MP's on-staff attorney, and asked him flat out if 
they realized that "management was running the 
ISP's off into a ditch".  LOL, they never even 
responded to us.  I had almost a million shares 
mind you...  At the same time, the CEO is 
responding to emails from tiny shareholders with 
many fewer share but who were active on "the 
boards" such as Ragingbull.com.  Pumpers they are 
called.  It was a classic "pump and dump" scheme IMHO.

I was halfway into my 2 year contract where I 
could legally sell my shares.  I was on the edge 
of my seat counting the days.  I actually had to 
threaten MOBL with eviction if they didn't get me 
personally off their lease after almost 1 whole 
year of procrastination.  No joke.  It was a 
chaotic mess.  After several threats, I got my 
stock certificates unregistered, and was 
threatened with a lawsuit if I didn't quit immediately.  So I quit....

The Good News.

I sold my MOBL shares.  Dumped them ASAP.  We all 
did.  All my employee/partners and I dumped MOBL 
like a hot potato while the gettin' was good.  I 
sold between $0.34 and $0.30.  To put things in 
perspective, a couple of years later, today, 
right now,  MOBL is at $0.0008.  Did I do the right thing?

I did the right thing obviously.  I was right and 
all of MOBL management was wrong.  I outsmarted a 
Wall Street, a New England, Georgetown lawyer, 
Merrill Lynch guru, not by intelligence, but by 
pure dumb luck.  A good ole boy from 
Louisiana.  Heheheheheheh,  I sold on a strong 
gut feeling because I knew things were not right 
in my heart.  It was obvious and very 
frustrating.  So I sold out.....Again only 12 
months later after selling my WISP..  This was 
very hard for me.  You all know me.

The Bad News

I am out of a job and a career and on the 
street.  I haven't had a paycheck in the longest 
time.  I used my profits to live off of and start 
a new business, and a new chapter in my 
life.  One that is behind a desk, much like I did 
in the 80's.  One that is "back friendly" with 
lots of hope and promise (like the good ole days) like a desk job.

Ah, but there is more to the Saga

Why wasn't I still the "wireless director" when I 
was forced to quit?  Because of a man named Bruce 
Sanguinetti, a former founder of 
Breezecom.  Perhaps Patrick knows him.  Bruce 
came on board and quickly knifed me and took over 
my position.  Fixed wireless??  Are you 
kidding?  We are NOT going to do any truck rolls!  No CPE!

"What?", I said?  I did not realize back in '04 
that the "holy grail" had be found!  LOL So Bruce 
headed the Tempe muni wifi project and MobilePro 
bought Kite Networks, ironically a "fixed 
wireless" Sprint subcontractor.  Muni WIFI??  That is the holy grail?

The Old Sprint MMDS Project

Steve Stroh can correct me if I'm wrong.  His 
memory is much better than mine. But recall the 
old Sprint MMDS network in Phoenix and a few 
other markets?  They had about 15k or 20k users 
at one time as I recall before they put a freeze 
on signups back years ago. 20k isn't much by my 
dial-up standards, but this was the largest fixed 
wireless network in the country IIRC. Well Sprint 
found someone named Jerry Sullivan at Kite 
Networks (Old Tritel mogul?)  to contract out the 
maintenance of these licensed spectrum fixed 
wireless customers owned by Sprint.

MOBL buy's Kite from Jerry for something like 
$20MM (I forget). (wink wink) Last month, MOBL 
just sold Kite to someone called Gobility for 
barely $2MM only the deal has fallen through 
cause they can't get funding or 
something.  Whatever..  So this represents yet another major stockholder

As a side note, Robert Hoskins at Broadband 
Wireless Exchange was so duped.  Even at this 
moment he lists MobilePro as the largest WISP in 
the USA by Robert.  LMAO......I don't believe it, do you?


MOBL owns very few true wireless 
customers.  Sprint owns all those MMDS 
customers.  Robert is smarter than that so I have 
to wonder.  Sprint is technically the largest 
WISP in the nation measure by customers OWNED 
rather than customers "served" as a 
subcontractor.  But Sprint never claimed that 
honor (or got to Robert for the publicity)  Sorry 
Robert, I'm not dissing you.  Just disappointed 
for the lack of due diligence or whatever.  Quite 
a big zit on your website if you ask me.  Butr hey, what do I know.....

The Financing

MOBL primarily used Cornell Capital Partners for 
their funding.  Cornell has a history with 
funding companies that is less than favorable for 
investors.  Google "Cornell Capital" it if you 
are interested.  In fact, Google Cornell plus Death Spiral...  LMAO.

My Opinion

It is my opinion that MOBL represented a "Toxic 
Financing" or otherwise "Death Spiral" financing 
scheme perpetrated by top management.  Cornell is 
under investigation by the SEC.  I don't know about MOBL


Google more if you care to.  I don't...  I've witnessed enough of this

The Result

MOBL is a subpenny stock that has fallen 95% 
plus, yet the CEO is continued to be rewarded and 
paid $240k per year plus incentives.  He got a 
bonus for every company bought or sold. His name 
is Jay O. Wright.  Please remember this name 
incase he ever wants to buy you out.

The Conclusion

That's about all I know to say.  There is much 
more detail to the story.  Did you know that the 
son of Bing Crosby, Nathaniel Crosby was a MOBL 
pumper called Wiseinvestments?  It is a sordid 
tale and I should write a book, but I have kids 
to feed now.  I believe Wiseinvestments was 
friends with Jack Beech who you know Brad... Bing 
would roll over in his grave to see how 
"NatInvestments" turned out. LOL, I wonder if 
they have access to Google up in heaven.

In any event, this is the "Cliff Notes" of the 
Saga which is more like a Soap Opera if you ask 
me.  I hope this brief overview of the story 
helps someone somehow to avoid  a mistake or two 
(or three) that I have made in my career.  My 
relief is knowing that 10 other ISP's also 
followed the same path.  Some good Wireless folks 
like Paul Sadler.  I am in good company and the 
fact remains that I always was...................

You might think you are smart like I did, but 
with the flick of a switch, you find yourself in 
a whole new wall street corporate realm that is 
unlike our world.  I got a taste of that world, 
and now I believe in "independents" more than 
ever.  From the bottom of my heart I wish you all 
Good Luck and to kick some serious butt and teach 
those corporate [EMAIL PROTECTED]@ards the meaning of the word 
"WISP".  All Giants fail because of their greed 
and their arrogance and their incumbencies.  They 
can't pay off lawyers forever.  Everyone loves 
the underdog.  You have a job to do.  So stop 
reading this post  Get to work and I wish I could 
be there with you.  I chose a new path and 
hopefully it wasn't all in vain.  That will be 
part 2 if this post doesn't get bounced for being too long.

am at bandwise dot com


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