
> All this extra traffic regarding it is a huge waste of time

I disagree. There are multiple purposes of this thread other than just 
complaining and argueing.
It allows us to learn what our members feel about members and vendors 
posting Press releases.
I'd like to encourage and see more members post Press Releases to the list.
But not if it annoys people.  We need to define the list policy for this, so 
members and vendors know what is acceptable for posting, so they can feel 
comfortable posting.

> Far surpassing any waste of time or possible annoyance caused by the 
> original posting

I was not sure if your post was directed at me, or the thread in general.
To clarify, I personally welcomed the PR posts and did not find them 

However, I agree that this discussion probably is not best to be had on the 
open general list.
I opened up discussion on the board list, so that we can define a policy.

Tom DeReggi
RapidDSL & Wireless, Inc
IntAirNet- Fixed Wireless Broadband

----- Original Message ----- 
To: "WISPA General List" <>
Sent: Monday, June 16, 2008 9:24 PM
Subject: Re: [WISPA] Rapid Link Executive to be Featured 
atBroadbandWirelessWorld Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada

> Just hit the delete key and ignore it if it bugs you that much.
> All this extra traffic regarding it is a huge waste of time. Not to 
> mention the archives are public and as such can easily be found during 
> standard due dillegence processes.
> Posts like the ones in this thread can certainly influence 
> vendor/consultant selection.
> Needless to say this thread generated a lot more traffic and consumed vast 
> amounts of time and energy. Far surpassing any waste of time or ppsible 
> annoyance caused by the original posting.
> Charles
> Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile
> -----Original Message-----
> From: "Tom DeReggi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Mon, 16 Jun 2008 21:24:31
> To:"WISPA General List" <>
> Subject: Re: [WISPA] Rapid Link Executive to be Featured at
> BroadbandWireless World Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada
> Butch, Matt, and Members,
> Before this thread gets out of hand, a couple of notes...
> 1) WISPA does not have an offical policy yet on Press Releases sent to the
> List, stating its OK or Not Ok.  Nor does WISPA have an appropraite
> mechanism or program to enable a WISP to pay for Sending PRs. Therefore, 
> it
> can not be held against RapidLink for doing it.
> 2) Honestly, I have to admit, I can see how sending the PRs to the list
> could be annoying to some people.  Expecially to a consultant that is
> required to pay for similar exposure.  Think about it... What if every
> member posted all their PRs to this LIST? It could be worse than Spam.  If
> the PR was a rare special case, where it was likely something unique or of
> extra significant interest to members, I'd say everyone would want to read
> about it, and welcome it.  But some of the PR posts may have been just
> self-promoting, the primary purpose of PRs.
> 3) However, I also must say, that I think Matt has tought us all 
> something,
> by making his PR posts. Everything we do should be considered newsworthy. 
> If
> we don't think we are importnat to talk about, and we don't think we are
> newsworthy ourselves, why will our customers and polititions? Everything 
> we
> do, we should try and get public recognition for.  I should have been 
> doing
> PRs everytime I spoke at a show in the past.  Why not also get the credit
> from the public for the things we do within our industry and of our peers?
> Members benefit from seeing what others are doing right to promote
> themselves.
> 4) And we need to stop letting Intel and Clearwire take all the credit for
> Wireless Broadband.  Think about it... IF you ask the public about Wimax,
> what names will come up?   I applaud RapidLink for taking the initiative 
> to
> promote their involvement in the industry. More of us need to do the same,
> to change public perception..
> 5) The Promotions committee was originally formed, because we were looking
> for ways to promote our memebers. Allowing Press Relases may be one way of
> helping?
> I will close by saying, I think Butch acted appropriately by bringing up
> this issue, and challenging whether it is appropriate. My opinion is that 
> I
> think it is appropriate. But I think the WISPA board does need to make an
> official ruling on Press Releases, so members and vendors know the limits 
> of
> what is acceptable, so they can maximize on the benefits they have.
> Tom DeReggi
> RapidDSL & Wireless, Inc
> IntAirNet- Fixed Wireless Broadband
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Matt Liotta" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "WISPA General List" <>
> Sent: Monday, June 16, 2008 6:24 PM
> Subject: Re: [WISPA] Rapid Link Executive to be Featured at
> BroadbandWireless World Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada
>> On Jun 16, 2008, at 6:50 PM, Butch Evans wrote:
>>> Hmmm...I suppose this answers the original question.  Rapid is NOT
>>> paying for the benefit (as a principle member) and you expect that
>>> your $250 makes up for your using this list as a PR list for Rapid
>>> (not WISPA).
>> What benefit exactly? You seem to ignore the part where we pay more
>> than $250 per release to have our release issued by a professional
>> distribution company. You also seem to ignore that this is a free list
>> that we would have access whether we are a WISPA member or not.
>> Further, where was your outrage when other releases were shared with
>> the list? Its not like Rapid Link is the only WISPA member to have
>> ever sent a copy of our release to the free list.
>>>> complaining about advertising without any mention of WISPA you
>>>> might want to check your signature. A quick look reveals tangible
>>>> Google Pagerank benefits.
>>> Ahh. Let's take a quick look at the other portion of this "stab".
>>> 1. I am a VENDOR member and paid for that benefit.  And as soon as I
>>> get the link to pay for the next year, I will be again this year.
>>> 2. Those posts (some of which are not the wispa list) are almost
>>> entirely composed of information that is in direct answers to
>>> questions posted on this list.  (Other than those posts which came
>>> as a benefit to my VENDOR MEMBER status, or were separately paid
>>> prior to my joining as a vendor.)
>>> 3. I spent MANY hours of volunteer time in building the CALEA
>>> Standard that will benefit not only WISPA and it's membership, but
>>> ALL WISPs.
>>> 4. I spent over $1000 just recently for both ISPCON and the MUM that
>>> did not directly benefit me, but was to benefit WISPA and help
>>> announce the WISPA CALEA Standard.  I did not have a booth at either
>>> show.
>>> 5. My website has a link on EVERY PAGE back to WISPA's homepage, so
>>> there is MUTUAL BENEFIT.
>>> I am having a hard time seeing a parallel situation between us.
>>> Again, if the membership sees no problem with your using these
>>> servers for your announcements, then neither do I...It was, after
>>> all just a question.
>> Wow, you got us. All this time we haven't contributed a thing to the
>> industry and have managed to sucker WISPA into our own personal PR
>> machine for the small price of $250 per year.
>> -Matt
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