<insert witty tagline here>

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "John Scrivner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "WISPA General List" <wireless@wispa.org>
Sent: Thursday, July 03, 2008 9:38 PM
Subject: Re: [WISPA] Update from the FCC on 3.65Ghz and CBP

>I do not think we should build our networks for the "sole purpose of
> suckering, err, selling to someone else".  I do believe that I want
> anything I build to have value in the event I do sell. That is not
> "suckering" anyone. Why not build something that holds value or
> appreciates in value? I know a future plan for WISPs to build WiMax
> networks in 3.65 would result in better networks, better valuations
> for WISPs and better economies of scale.

I did say precisely what I said... And that was that SOME will build solely 
to sell to someone else.   We've seen examples of this... Raise a bunch of 
money on hype,  build out fast and play PR games,  build out as fast and far 
as possible, invest nothing in customer service, and then sell this money 
losing turkey quick to someone else because it looks good "on paper". 
This is the same as the house flippers who cover up flaws, make a few 
cosmetic improvements, and walk away with 50K in their pocket, while the 
consumer who b ought the house finds himself screwed over.

I got no problem with people who buy distressed homes to get the owner out 
from under the mortgage and then resell, making a few bucks for their 
investment and risk.

Being able to sell a network, should circumstances bring you to that 
point...  Again, that's careful planning.  But there's a lot of advocacy of 
the former, not the latter, above.

> Leaning on 802.11 further is just not the plan we should be using for
> new bands and new opportunities like we have in 3650. We have a chance
> to build something greater than we have now. WiMax is what the rest of
> the world is already using in the 3.4 thru 3.8 GHz band.

That's the best reason I can  think of not to do it.  You NEVER achieve 
greatness by following.   Wait for, push for, or even develop the NEXT 
better idea.   WiMax is already old, in my opinion.

Do any of you
> think it is smarter for us to abandon the global scale afforded to us
> if we adopt WiMax in 3.65? I am surprised more of you are not speaking
> up and saying you agree with this philosophy. Dividing the camp on
> this will not help us as an industry.

By all means, I think people should be able to choose and deploy whatever 
they want.   Forcing it by regulation is beyond stupid.

> I would like to see this group, for once, accept that we need to do
> something together, as a group, for the common good. I think this is
> that opportunity. I see little reason for us to take any other course
> of action in 3.65 GHz. WISPs need to do something as a group to help
> our industry. WiMax in 3.65 is that logical step for us to work
> together and reach some scale and some value.

Well, I dont' think we should be that short sighted.

> This is not about "suckering" anyone or being "stuck in a rut". This
> is a chance for us to move to the next level. It is almost
> embarrassing to me that we are actually behind the rest of the world
> here in the US when it comes to this band.

The only embarrassment there is concerning this is the utter incompetency of 
the FCC, which has stymied every effort so far.

 WiMax is a serious platform
> with many advantages over anything else we have built and used. The
> light licensed opportunities in 3.65 are an incredible experiment that
> we need to show success in. If we choose WiMax and adopt this as the
> platform for 3.65 I believe we will advance our entire industry to a
> higher level of funding opportunities, operational reliability, more
> service offerings, etc.

We'll just have defeated ourselves by tying a spectrum and a 
standard/purpose/technology together, which is a recipe for gauranteed 
obsolescense and wasted spectrum.    Have we learned NOTHING from the last 
75 or so years of radio spectrum management?

It wasn't even a year ago, that the conversation in the WISP industry was 
about how this was a great place for experimentation and forward movment. 
Now, you are advocating we abandon the very thing that makes 3.65 so 
valuable - the freedom to innovate.   All of us are frustrated by the FCC's 
foot dragging and it's obstinacy in refusing to certify equipment.   This 
should be a lesson to you.  Choose any technology or platform or standard 
and make it required or even the only available and WE WILL BE STUCK THERE. 
Instead, you want to abandon the possible future, in exchange for the short 
term convenience.

Europe did this and much of the rest of the world has done it in regards to 
many technologies.

We're NOT going to follow them down that blind alley, are we?  Especially 
not be an industry group advocating it for short term gains at the expense 
of the future?   If so, we deserve every criticism we garner for being self 
serving and focused on making short term gains.

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