I personally like text messages.  For personal contacts during work
it's a blessing.  For the 10 second message during work it saves time.

Not a fan of conversations girls like to have on text but what can ya do?

On 9/29/09, Scottie Arnett <sarn...@info-ed.com> wrote:
> "I still don't understand the text explosion."
> Me either? Why? I can usually call a person and say what I have to say in
> less time than it takes me to text one message and get a reply back.
> I can also understand that texting has its place. Like inside a theater
> where people other than me do not want the distraction.
> Scottie
> ---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
> From: "Robert West" <robert.w...@just-micro.com>
> Reply-To: WISPA General List <wireless@wispa.org>
> Date:  Tue, 29 Sep 2009 10:41:00 -0400
>>I had to have 2 Compuserve accounts back in 1988 because their accounts had
>>a $500 limit per month!
>>I still don't understand the text explosion.  Over 100 years of innovation
>>just to go back to what is essentially Morse code.  Boggles the mind.
>>Soon they'll discover punch cards and paper tape to load their ringtones.
>>"What's with all those cards in your backpack, Cassie?"  "My new ring tone
>>by Fallen.  It only took a little over 8,000 punch cards!"  "Cool....."
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: wireless-boun...@wispa.org [mailto:wireless-boun...@wispa.org] On
>>Behalf Of St. Louis Broadband
>>Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2009 12:11 AM
>>To: 'WISPA General List'
>>Subject: [WISPA] OT - Text Messages
>>I am reviewing my AT&T wireless bill.  I have myself, my mother and my
>>daughter on a family plan.
>>My mother received 8 text messages, which I am sure she does not know that
>>she has.
>>I received 297 text messages.  Some of those were forwards from another
>>email account.
>>However, my 18 year old daughter received 30,500 text messages!
>>How can this be?  How can they type on a qwerty board, or actual phone
>>keypad faster than I on a laptop/computer?
>>She has a facebook account, a twitter, and many other accounts/tech that I
>>am not familiar with.
>>Is this a sign of the times or of my age?
>>I started in the Internet industry in 1993.  I remember my first AOL annual
>>bill totaling over $5k and this was for 28.8 kbps.
>>That is when I figured that this industry was going to be profitable...darn
>>me for daring to going into fixed wireless.
>>Just had to rant...30,500 txt msgs...omg!
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> Wireless High Speed Broadband service from Info-Ed, Inc. as low as
> $30.00/mth.
> Check out www.info-ed.com/wireless.html for information.
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Josh Luthman
Office: 937-552-2340
Direct: 937-552-2343
1100 Wayne St
Suite 1337
Troy, OH 45373

"When you have eliminated the impossible, that which remains, however
improbable, must be the truth."
--- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

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