No one is posting anything about the UBNT conference????

For those who didn't attend, Founder and President of UBNT, Robert Pera gave
a talk and asked what the biggest issue we as users had with the company.
>From all corners, a loud "SUPPLY!".  We could tell from his demeanor he got
the message and he even said as much.  Hopefully availability will be better
sometime in the near future.  Also, the question "Where's my free shirt?"
was also heard.  The answer?  Email me your address.......  Yeah, okay.
That one I'm not waiting for.

A bunch of us were gawking in wonder at the little silicone boots on the
Rocket RSMA connectors and saying to each other "They seriously don't expect
that to keep the water out, do they?"  In a previous thread about the pretty
pictures of wireless gear and nice shiny N connectors and how it's not real
life.......  In a Q and A session, someone asked that very question, what
those little boots were for, certainly not to weatherproof the
thing..........  the answer, and this is the REAL answer that was said.....
It was done for marketing purposes.  Marketing to who?  The large group of
people basically pointing and shaking their heads at these stupid little
silicone boots and talking about taking them off in  order to put tape on
the connectors?  Okay, we must be the ones.

Also lots of not so subtle hints about some new features and products coming
down the pipe.  Me, I'd rather they perfect the supply chain on the existing
offerings before they introduce more things that I want but can't find in

In all it was a great seminar as much as a seminar can be, I suppose, and
the parking fee of 24 bucks was fun too.

Robert West

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