Thanks for the post Robert. It is good to hear about what went on. Did
you get a free rocket? Did they run out?

On Sat, Oct 3, 2009 at 12:14 AM, Robert West <> wrote:
> No one is posting anything about the UBNT conference????
> For those who didn't attend, Founder and President of UBNT, Robert Pera gave
> a talk and asked what the biggest issue we as users had with the company.
> >From all corners, a loud "SUPPLY!".  We could tell from his demeanor he got
> the message and he even said as much.  Hopefully availability will be better
> sometime in the near future.  Also, the question "Where's my free shirt?"
> was also heard.  The answer?  Email me your address.......  Yeah, okay.
> That one I'm not waiting for.
> A bunch of us were gawking in wonder at the little silicone boots on the
> Rocket RSMA connectors and saying to each other "They seriously don't expect
> that to keep the water out, do they?"  In a previous thread about the pretty
> pictures of wireless gear and nice shiny N connectors and how it's not real
> life.......  In a Q and A session, someone asked that very question, what
> those little boots were for, certainly not to weatherproof the
> thing..........  the answer, and this is the REAL answer that was said.....
> It was done for marketing purposes.  Marketing to who?  The large group of
> people basically pointing and shaking their heads at these stupid little
> silicone boots and talking about taking them off in  order to put tape on
> the connectors?  Okay, we must be the ones.
> Also lots of not so subtle hints about some new features and products coming
> down the pipe.  Me, I'd rather they perfect the supply chain on the existing
> offerings before they introduce more things that I want but can't find in
> stock.
> In all it was a great seminar as much as a seminar can be, I suppose, and
> the parking fee of 24 bucks was fun too.
> Robert West
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