There is absolutely no way, with my raw bandwidth costs, that I can 
ONLY oversubscribe 4 or 6 to 1!  Isn't DSL normal oversubscription 
20:1?  Your bandwidth expenses must be really low.  Mine are really high.


At 03:09 PM 11/12/2009, you wrote:
>I've been watching the thread about it with great interest.    Partly
>because I was wondering if anyone was going to try "my solution", which is,
>to attempt to be able to deliver the bandwidth to the people who want to use
>these, and have them work fine.
>Please understand, I'm not talking about a prioritizing scheme, which puts
>video ahead of surfing, etc.
>I'm just talking about how we're going to keep up with the future...   In
>2004 when I started, we used between 1 and and 1.5 gigs of data per customer
>per month.     The last time I measured it, which was a year ago,  we were
>up to more than 7.
>We're thinking about how we're going to meet the demands of the near
>future... not managing a shortage of bandwidth delivery.  I'm nowhere near
>as leveraged as some of my competitors in terms of oversubscription, but
>that's not an excuse.
>I'm thinking of planning on a future delivery of 4 to 6 meg per customer,
>oversubscribed to around 4 to 6 to one.
>What is everyone else planning?
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