I guess you could call me "lucky" in that I have access to darn good rates.

I'm currently at $60/mbit and working to see if my provider will give me a 
break for doubling my commit.

Currently, my commit is 10m and I'm paying overages each month, but they're 
still reasonably small.    This is on the "95th percentile" scheme of 
measuring bandwidth use.   I'm burstable to the limit of the 100M ethernet 
feed, and could get gig E if I needed it.

My backhaul tops out at about 2600KB, so we're splitting our load between 
two, and raising the main one to around 60Mbit backhaul.    Hoping to have 
an aggregate of about 110 mbit from the provider to me.

We're also looking at deploying either Ubnt's M based equipment or someone 
else's if anyone ever comes up with something workable and affordable, as an 
addition to our already deployed network.

We initially had a bandwidth cost of of about $6/customer, it reached a low 
of about $3.3 a year or two after starting, and now it's back up to a little 
less than $5 / customer.     We've raised our rates 50 cents, cut our 
administrative costs by $.70 for most customers by changing to EFT payments, 
and now we're trying to figure out how to keep up with our expected 3X use 
of data transfer and still keep our bandwidth costs within our planned 
maximum of $8 over the next 3 years.

We have some strategies to help with this, one of them is to offer a premium 
service to residences that has higher than cable or dsl speeds for around 
$225-250 / mo, and it appears we can deliver this to over 90% of our service 
area at a moderate investment.

Also, we're liscensing up big time for deploying 3.65 in a PtMP scheme over 
a sizeable area, as well.

About a year ago, my biggest competitor began deploying stuff that looks 
identical to mine, though I know that it's Mikrotik inside instead of 
Star-OS.   It's time to make that big step up and be ahead again for a 

From: "Butch Evans" <but...@butchevans.com>
Sent: Thursday, November 12, 2009 8:44 PM
To: "WISPA General List" <wireless@wispa.org>
Subject: Re: [WISPA] About Hulu and Netflix and youtube... increased data 
delivery is here to stay.

>> At 03:09 PM 11/12/2009, you wrote:
>> >I've been watching the thread about it with great interest.    Partly
>> >because I was wondering if anyone was going to try "my solution", which 
>> >is,
>> >to attempt to be able to deliver the bandwidth to the people who want to 
>> >use
>> >these, and have them work fine.
>> >
>> >Please understand, I'm not talking about a prioritizing scheme, which 
>> >puts
>> >video ahead of surfing, etc.
> This is a good point.  The fact is, that a GOOD bandwidth manager will
> allow traffic to flow as fast as possible.  One thing to bear in mind,
> with regard to my QOS system, is that I don't speed limit ANYTHING.  I
> simply prioritize traffic so that the time sensitive stuff gets out
> first.  There is no reason to limit even P2P if there is available
> bandwidth.  Every class that I give that covers QOS, I restate this one
> maxim:  "QOS is not simply LIMITING bandwidth.  Rather, QOS is about
> MANAGING the available bandwidth resources."  There is an important
> distinction there that your comments don't take into account.
>> >We're thinking about how we're going to meet the demands of the near
>> >future... not managing a shortage of bandwidth delivery.
> Even with sufficient bandwidth available, there are links and network
> infrastructure where a good QOS mechanism will benefit the network.
>> >I'm thinking of planning on a future delivery of 4 to 6 meg per 
>> >customer,
>> >oversubscribed to around 4 to 6 to one.
> For many, 4:1 would mean out of business.  Even at 10:1, many would not
> survive.  There are places in this country where bandwidth is still
> quite expensive ($200/Meg would sound GOOD to some people).  Even at
> that price, a 4:1 ratio is $50/customer before you add in ANY costs.
> Even 10:1 is to high.  It would be NICE if the price for wholesale BW
> came down, but too many folks do not have the benefit of reasonable
> bandwidth.
> -- 
> ********************************************************************
> * Butch Evans                   * Professional Network Consultation*
> * http://www.butchevans.com/    * Network Engineering              *
> * http://www.wispa.org/         * Wired or Wireless Networks       *
> * http://blog.butchevans.com/   * ImageStream, Mikrotik and MORE!  *
> ********************************************************************
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