On Dec 15, 2009, at 5:27 PM, MDK wrote:

> There's lots of thinking outside the box.   It is interesting... but like a 
> broken record, every time someone says "we need think out side the box" the 
> automatic response is "have government do it" as if that's "innovation". 
> Cripes.
> And yes, I'm a broken record.    I watch people on this list do incredible 
> due diligence as to which equipment to use,  they do entirely rational and 
> reasonable things but change the subject, and instantly, they abandon every 
> semblance of rationality and their eyes turn into spinning spirals and they 
> start repeating...  "Government is holy and our savior, government is holy 
> and our savior"

Odd. I haven't ever heard ANYONE on this or any WISPA list say that (or 
anything remotely like that). The moment someone doesn't curse the government 
and everything it does, you apparently hear "government is holy..." or 
whatever. And not everyone perceives the government simplistically as all good 
or all bad. You might think it is all bad, outside of the military, but that 
doesn't mean anyone who doesn't agree thinks it is "all good". There is room 
for nuance here, really there is.

>  without the slightest evidence of anything except 
> disastrous incompetence coming from DC and our state capitals.
> What is it that blocks so many people's minds from objectively evaluating 
> the performance of government just as they would wireless equipment, an 
> anti-virus, a car, a can opener, or even safety gear?     It's some kind of 
> religion?    Maybe?   I dunno.

Honestly, the reverse seems the situation to me. You're religiously 
anti-government and any evidence that counters your beliefs you ignore or 

> I've repeated till I’m blue in the face, and nobody can point to a single 
> iota of evidence that we should have them do squat for us...   But, the 
> drumbeat continues.   Why?    Drugs?   Hypnotism?   Mass delusions?    What 
> the heck is it?

I think people have given up trying to point out their evidence to you. Any 
time they present evidence to you (like Tim did), you claim it's irrational. Do 
you seriously believe that anything that counters your position is irrational, 
by definition?

By the way, Brian is quite conservative (not to "out" him). He and I talk 
off-line about things like this and he's by no means on the "left".

But seriously, let's move this to WISPA-CHAT? Though I don't expect to insert 
myself into this again, I've copied that list and hope that responses go there 


> --------------------------------------------------
> From: "Brian Webster" <bwebs...@wirelessmapping.com>
> Sent: Tuesday, December 15, 2009 10:54 AM
> To: "WISPA General List" <wireless@wispa.org>
> Subject: Re: [WISPA] Broadband compared to electricity of the early 1900's
>> Mark,
>>    You really sound like a broken record with every topic you post.
>> I posted the article to force people to think outside the box in regards 
>> to
>> broadband and what we think of how it is used today and the fact that we
>> cannot necessarily conceive all the uses in the future. Keeping an open 
>> mind
>> as to unknown possibilities I guess :-)
>> Thank You,
>> Brian Webster
>> On Tue, Dec 15, 2009 at 12:50 PM, MDK <rea...@muddyfrogwater.us> wrote:
>>> There's only one thing you REALLY need to know about it:
>>> The TVA was the source of much fraud and abuse of taxpayer dollars.    So
>>> was the REA.
>>> Creating monopolies has resulted in highly inefficient business models 
>>> for
>>> electricity, and there's only space in this game for "big corporations".
>>> Just think "Enron".    Government thought it could build a pretend free
>>> market so it could have the benefits of a free market, but still control
>>> the
>>> game.    Enron (and other scandals ) was the result.    You can't "fake" 
>>> a
>>> free market.    You can only build a set of rules for creative types to 
>>> use
>>> to "game" the system.     You know, kind of how our regulators and 
>>> certain
>>> government sponsored entities created a massive debt bubble that still
>>> threatens our nation.     EVERY effort to do this will result in either
>>> extremely inefficient business models...  Or massive fraud.
>>> We have paid a lot for this monopoly status, we're still paying for it, 
>>> and
>>> it will continue to absorb our hard earned wealth at immoral rates until
>>> people stop thinking that "public" = righteous.
>>> There's always going to be excuses for those have an ideological belief 
>>> in
>>> superiority of socialized services to advocate them with emotional 
>>> appeals.
>>> There's just no reason for any person with an IQ above refrigerator
>>> temperature to fall for it.    There is only one reason to advocate
>>> socialized services, and that's because there's political and partisan
>>> power
>>> to be derived from controlling essential services with political power.
>>> When the mob does it by intimidation, we call it criminal.   When 
>>> Congress
>>> does it, a certain number of people swoon in awe of their righteousness,
>>> while the rest of us recoil in disgust.    There is, however, no actual
>>> difference between Congress controlling access to our needs and the mob
>>> doing it.
>>> --------------------------------------------------
>>> From: "Brian Webster" <bwebs...@wirelessmapping.com>
>>> Sent: Tuesday, December 15, 2009 8:42 AM
>>> To: "WISPA List" <wireless@wispa.org>; <memb...@wispa.org>;
>>> <motor...@afmug.com>; "WISPA Board Members List" <bo...@wispa.org>
>>> Subject: [WISPA] Broadband compared to electricity of the early 1900's
>>>> I have been of the thought process that Broadband needs to be compared 
>>>> to
>>>> electricity and telephone service expansion and deployments of the 
>>>> early
>>>> 1900's. Here is a nice article that draws a direct comparison to
>>>> electricity
>>>> (and municipal networks). Should be good food for though to all:
>>>> The Killer App of 1900 <http://publicola.net/?p=20687>
>>>> by Glenn Fleishman <techn...@publicola.net>, 12/11/2009, 11:18 AM
>>>> It’s instructional to look back 100 years, not long after the first
>>>> electrical generation plants were built to bring power to towns and
>>>> cities,
>>>> to assess the situation we find ourselves in with broadband 
>>>> availability
>>>> today.
>>>> http://publicola.net/?p=20687
>>>> Thank You,
>>>> Brian Webster
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Chuck Bartosch
Clarity Connect, Inc.
200 Pleasant Grove Road
Ithaca, NY 14850
(607) 257-8268

"When the stars threw down their spears,
and water'd heaven with their tears,
Did He smile, His work to see?
Did He who made the Lamb make thee?"

>From William Blake's Tiger!, Tiger!

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