I think my new "book" will actually be online training videos.

RickG wrote:
Yes, I enjoyed it a few years back. Still waiting on the new one! Jack?

On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 12:59 AM, Josh Luthman

Jack wrote and published a book...

Josh Luthman
Office: 937-552-2340
Direct: 937-552-2343
1100 Wayne St
Suite 1337
Troy, OH 45373

"The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources."
--- Albert Einstein

On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 12:54 AM, Jack Unger <jun...@ask-wi.com> wrote:

 I refuse to feed the troll. I refuse to feed the troll. I refuse to feed
the troll. I refuse to feed the troll. I refuse to feed the troll.

MDK wrote:

Is that directly off the pages of the Democrat National Committee "Blast
Fax" talking points of the day?

Shame on you, Jack.

There's easily 24 million households THAT DO NOT WANT OR WILL NOT PAY FOR

I have some areas where I cover 100% of the households, nobody else does,
and yet, I can only get 60 percent of them to subscribe.   The rest?
expensive (even 25.50/mo is 'too much') or "we don't even have a
is still something I hear semi regularly.

I don't think my demographics are specifically average... but they're not
THAT far off the norm.

In the last 2 years I've lost 5 customers to cable and dsl.   1 to
provider (was glad to see them go),  but that's less than the number who
have moved or died.   I think we've seen nearly the limits of cable and
expansion where I am.   And they've covered a good 75% of the population,
even as rural as we are.    The WSJ article is dead on right, from what I
can tell.   My growth is now the niche areas that aren't high on the
or dsl deployment priority, yet I'm seeing the "want" for broadband to be
under 80%, even in affluent areas.

Since our install costs are now as low as "free", depending on location,
we're seeing signficant "not heavy user" adoption.

Now, the growth of actual data moved...   The percentage increase every
month is near or at double digits.

From: "Jack Unger" <jun...@ask-wi.com> <jun...@ask-wi.com>
Sent: Wednesday, January 20, 2010 8:27 AM
To: "WISPA General List" <wireless@wispa.org> <wireless@wispa.org>
Subject: Re: [WISPA] From Today's WSJ

 Sorry but this article (accidentally or intentionally) misses or (more
likely) ignores the point that 24 or more million occupied American
households have no access to broadband. The WSJ is merely a mouthpiece
(especially now that Rupurt Murdoch owns it) for the telcos.


Jeff Broadwick wrote:


    * JANUARY 20, 2010

A 'National Broadband Plan'
One more solution in search of a problem.

The Federal Communications Commission recently told Congress that it will
miss a February deadline for delivering a "national broadband plan" and
requested a one-month extension. If it keeps missing deadlines, nearly
everyone in the U.S. might soon have high-speed Internet.

As part of last year's stimulus package, Congress asked the FCC for a
to ensure that everybody in the country has access to broadband. That's a
worthy goal, but the idea of a government plan is based on a false
presumption that the spread of broadband is stalled. The reality is that
broadband adoption continues apace, as does the quality and speed of
Internet connections.

Between 2000 and 2008, residential broadband subscribers grew to 80
from five million, according to a study by Bret Swanson of Entropy
Economics. Broadband penetration among active Internet users at home is
and nearly 99% of U.S. workers connect to the Internet with broadband. A
typical cable modem today is 10 times faster than a decade ago. Wireless
bandwidth growth per capita has been no less impressive, showing a
increase since 2000.

Meanwhile, U.S. information and communications technology investment in
alone totalled $455 billion, or 22% of all U.S. capital investment.
capital investment in telecom between 2000 and 2008 was more than $3.5

Those who favor more government control of the Internet ignore this
progress and point to international rankings. According to OECD
the U.S. ranks 15th in the world in broadband penetration per capita. But
because household sizes differ from country to country, and the U.S. has
relatively large households, the per capita figures can be misleading. A
better way to gauge wired broadband connections is per household, not per
person. By that measure the U.S. ranks somewhere between 8th and 10th.

Such comparisons will soon be moot in any case because broadband
is growing rapidly in all OECD countries. The Technology Policy Institute
notes that "at the current rates of broadband adoption the U.S. is behind
the leaders only by a number of months, and all wealthy OECD countries
reach a saturation point within the next few years."

Even the Obama Justice Department seems to reject the broadband market
failure thesis. "In any industry subject to significant technological
change, it is important that the evaluation of competition be
forward-looking rather than based on static definitions of products and
services," said the Antitrust Division in a January 4 filing to the FCC.
the case of broadband services, it's clear that the market is shifting
generally in the direction of faster speeds and additional mobility."

Justice concludes that while "enacting some form of regulation to prevent
certain providers from exercising monopoly control may be tempting . . .
care must be taken to avoid stifling the infrastructure investments
to expand broadband access."

No matter, the default position of the Obama Administration is that
useful happens without government, so the FCC is busy planning. Chairman
Julius Genachowski is sympathetic to net neutrality regulations that
prevent Internet service providers from using differentiated pricing to
manage Web traffic. Liberal interest groups like Public Knowledge and
Harvard's Berkman Center for the Internet and Society are urging the
to reinstitute "open access" mandates that would force cable operators
phone companies to share their infrastructure with rivals at

The irony is that the private investment and innovation of recent years
occurred in the wake of the FCC rolling back similar rules that held back
telecom in the 1990s. Consumers continue to have access to more and more
broadband services, while Google, YouTube, iTunes, Facebook and Netflix
originated in the U.S.

Doesn't the Obama Administration have enough to do than mess with a part
the U.S. economy that is working well?



Jeff Broadwick
Sales Manager, ImageStream
800-813-5123 x106     (US/Can)
+1 574-935-8484 x106  (Int'l)
+1 574-935-8488       (Fax)

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Jack Unger - President, Ask-Wi.Com, Inc.
Network Design - Technical Writing - Technical Training
Serving the Broadband Wireless, Networking and Telecom Communities Since
1993www.ask-wi.com  818-227-4220  jun...@ask-wi.com

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Jack Unger - President, Ask-Wi.Com, Inc.
Network Design - Technical Writing - Technical Training
Serving the Broadband Wireless, Networking and Telecom Communities Since
1993www.ask-wi.com  818-227-4220  jun...@ask-wi.com

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Jack Unger - President, Ask-Wi.Com, Inc.
Network Design - Technical Writing - Technical Training
Serving the Broadband Wireless, Networking and Telecom Communities Since 1993
www.ask-wi.com  818-227-4220  jun...@ask-wi.com

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