But anywhere else I don't think your LMR-Antenna would work as well...


Marlon K. Schafer wrote:
> You've got an area with 25k households close by and you don't have anything 
> in there?  No one else has anything there either?
> That's 2.5 times MORE than my ENTIRE COUNTY has in it!
> Man I could be making a lot more money if I lived nearly anywhere else!
> marlon
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Chuck Bartosch" <ch...@clarityconnect.com>
> To: "WISPA General List" <wireless@wispa.org>
> Sent: Thursday, January 21, 2010 11:04 AM
> Subject: Re: [WISPA] From Today's WSJ
>> In my 3 county area that I was developing an application for, there were 
>> 25,000 households without access to service and in one of those counties I 
>> was only covering the lower half of the unserved areas of the county. (And 
>> one partially unserved town in the County I live in was counting on a 
>> different provider to include them in their application, but that provider 
>> chose not to include them for one reason or another). It's very easy for 
>> me to believe the 24 million number since I'm in upstate NY.
>> What was particularly interesting to me is that in the detailed census 
>> block studies I did, you would often see half of a census block 
>> (geographical half) had service and the other did not. 2/3rds of the 
>> houses in the census block were on the covered side, but it's very 
>> difficult to see how the other third would ever get service since it 
>> doesn't fit cable's density plan but isn't enough to justify anyone else 
>> building out to them either.
>> Chuck
>> On Jan 21, 2010, at 11:08 AM, Marlon K. Schafer wrote:
>>> I think so.
>>> 24 million just seems to be such a large number when you take into 
>>> account
>>> the well known underreporting of our industry segment (and perhaps 
>>> others?).
>>> It's hard to imagine that all of our hard work thus far has left so many
>>> homes untouched.
>>> At a lowly 40% take rate and $20 per month per account that's 
>>> $288,000,000
>>> in MONTHLY revenue left sitting idle.  It just makes no sense to me.  I
>>> can't get my arms around the idea that we've left that many homes with no
>>> options.
>>> I can see 24 million households with no service.  I just can't see that 
>>> many
>>> with no access to service.  Heck, I have people that still have dialup
>>> internet even though they are within spitting distance of a tower.  Do 
>>> they
>>> count as one of the 24 million?
>>> laters,
>>> marlon
>>> ----- Original Message ----- 
>>> From: "Chuck Bartosch" <ch...@clarityconnect.com>
>>> To: "WISPA General List" <wireless@wispa.org>
>>> Sent: Thursday, January 21, 2010 3:06 AM
>>> Subject: Re: [WISPA] From Today's WSJ
>>>> So, the salient points are, as I understand it (correct me if I'm 
>>>> wrong):
>>>> (1) Brian's numbers are 24 million currently HAVE NO ACCESS TO SERVICE.
>>>> His number DOES NOT INCLUDE the number who have access but have chosen 
>>>> not
>>>> to subscribe.
>>>> (2) You haven't seen the underlying data yourself because much of it is
>>>> private data that you didn't purchase yourself. You get to see the
>>>> analysis from it because Brian HAS purchased it and combined it with
>>>> publicly available data.
>>>> Chuck
>>>> On Jan 20, 2010, at 11:46 PM, Marlon K. Schafer wrote:
>>>>> Heya Brian,
>>>>> That's the take I had on this.  That the number of households services
>>>>> was
>>>>> based on the 477 data.  I didn't see any other data sets that would 
>>>>> give
>>>>> an
>>>>> indication of the number of actually services households.
>>>>> If the study is based only on the consumers reported via the 477 it's
>>>>> likely
>>>>> to be quite inaccurate.
>>>>> People in government etc. are often quite amazed at the number of
>>>>> customers
>>>>> that I service out here.  And I'm just one of a great many companies
>>>>> offering services in the area.
>>>>> I'm trying to get a handle on what additional sources of fact based
>>>>> information are out there.  It's important to know what the real number
>>>>> is
>>>>> and yours seems very high to me.  I don't think it'll be helpful in the
>>>>> long
>>>>> term if we have a number that gets blown out of the water in the 
>>>>> upcoming
>>>>> census.
>>>>> marlon
>>>>> ----- Original Message ----- 
>>>>> From: "Brian Webster" <bwebs...@wirelessmapping.com>
>>>>> To: "WISPA General List" <wireless@wispa.org>
>>>>> Sent: Wednesday, January 20, 2010 8:00 PM
>>>>> Subject: Re: [WISPA] From Today's WSJ
>>>>>> Marlon,
>>>>>> Read this take rate brief I wrote with one of the data companies I 
>>>>>> work
>>>>>> with. It will take you about 10 minutes. It goes in to specific detail
>>>>>> of
>>>>>> how the study was conducted and the sources of the data. It was 
>>>>>> written
>>>>>> for
>>>>>> the 10 minute managers of the world. The key to being able to come up
>>>>>> with
>>>>>> the numbers was having the data at the census block level in the first
>>>>>> place. Prior to July of this year there were no sources that I am 
>>>>>> aware
>>>>>> of.
>>>>>> The only information drawn from the form 477 is the total number of
>>>>>> residential subscribers by state. The number of households without
>>>>>> access
>>>>>> to
>>>>>> broadband has no relationship to the 477 data. That should be spelled
>>>>>> out
>>>>>> in
>>>>>> the report.
>>>>>> Thank You,
>>>>>> Brian Webster
>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>> From: wireless-boun...@wispa.org [mailto:wireless-boun...@wispa.org]on
>>>>>> Behalf Of Marlon K. Schafer
>>>>>> Sent: Wednesday, January 20, 2010 8:32 PM
>>>>>> To: WISPA General List
>>>>>> Subject: Re: [WISPA] From Today's WSJ
>>>>>> OK, as I understand that the report is based upon the 477 data?
>>>>>> marlon
>>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>>> From: Jack Unger
>>>>>> To: WISPA General List
>>>>>> Sent: Wednesday, January 20, 2010 9:41 AM
>>>>>> Subject: Re: [WISPA] From Today's WSJ
>>>>>> Marlon,
>>>>>> See the attached report. Go to Table 2 on page 11. Look at the last 
>>>>>> cell
>>>>>> in the lower, right-hand corner.
>>>>>> jack
>>>>>> Marlon K. Schafer wrote:
>>>>>> I still don't buy that number in the first place.  I wish I knew more
>>>>>> about
>>>>>> how Brian came up with it.
>>>>>> What % of rural households does that work out to be?
>>>>>> marlon
>>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>>> From: "Jack Unger" <jun...@ask-wi.com>
>>>>>> To: "WISPA General List" <wireless@wispa.org>
>>>>>> Sent: Wednesday, January 20, 2010 8:27 AM
>>>>>> Subject: Re: [WISPA] From Today's WSJ
>>>>>> Sorry but this article (accidentally or intentionally) misses or (more
>>>>>> likely) ignores the point that 24 or more million occupied American
>>>>>> households have no access to broadband. The WSJ is merely a mouthpiece
>>>>>> (especially now that Rupurt Murdoch owns it) for the telcos.
>>>>>> jack
>>>>>> Jeff Broadwick wrote:
>>>>>> http://online.wsj.com/article/SB1000142405274870365210457465250160837655
>>>>>> 2.ht
>>>>>> ml?mod=WSJ_Opinion_AboveLEFTTop
>>>>>>  * REVIEW & OUTLOOK
>>>>>>  * JANUARY 20, 2010
>>>>>> A 'National Broadband Plan'
>>>>>> One more solution in search of a problem.
>>>>>> The Federal Communications Commission recently told Congress that it
>>>>>> will
>>>>>> miss a February deadline for delivering a "national broadband plan" 
>>>>>> and
>>>>>> requested a one-month extension. If it keeps missing deadlines, nearly
>>>>>> everyone in the U.S. might soon have high-speed Internet.
>>>>>> As part of last year's stimulus package, Congress asked the FCC for a
>>>>>> plan
>>>>>> to ensure that everybody in the country has access to broadband. 
>>>>>> That's
>>>>>> a
>>>>>> worthy goal, but the idea of a government plan is based on a false
>>>>>> presumption that the spread of broadband is stalled. The reality is 
>>>>>> that
>>>>>> broadband adoption continues apace, as does the quality and speed of
>>>>>> Internet connections.
>>>>>> Between 2000 and 2008, residential broadband subscribers grew to 80
>>>>>> million
>>>>>> from five million, according to a study by Bret Swanson of Entropy
>>>>>> Economics. Broadband penetration among active Internet users at home 
>>>>>> is
>>>>>> 94%,
>>>>>> and nearly 99% of U.S. workers connect to the Internet with broadband. 
>>>>>> A
>>>>>> typical cable modem today is 10 times faster than a decade ago. 
>>>>>> Wireless
>>>>>> bandwidth growth per capita has been no less impressive, showing a
>>>>>> 500-fold
>>>>>> increase since 2000.
>>>>>> Meanwhile, U.S. information and communications technology investment 
>>>>>> in
>>>>>> 2008
>>>>>> alone totalled $455 billion, or 22% of all U.S. capital investment.
>>>>>> Nominal
>>>>>> capital investment in telecom between 2000 and 2008 was more than $3.5
>>>>>> trillion.
>>>>>> Those who favor more government control of the Internet ignore this
>>>>>> private
>>>>>> progress and point to international rankings. According to OECD
>>>>>> estimates,
>>>>>> the U.S. ranks 15th in the world in broadband penetration per capita.
>>>>>> But
>>>>>> because household sizes differ from country to country, and the U.S. 
>>>>>> has
>>>>>> relatively large households, the per capita figures can be misleading. 
>>>>>> A
>>>>>> better way to gauge wired broadband connections is per household, not
>>>>>> per
>>>>>> person. By that measure the U.S. ranks somewhere between 8th and 10th.
>>>>>> Such comparisons will soon be moot in any case because broadband
>>>>>> penetration
>>>>>> is growing rapidly in all OECD countries. The Technology Policy
>>>>>> Institute
>>>>>> notes that "at the current rates of broadband adoption the U.S. is
>>>>>> behind
>>>>>> the leaders only by a number of months, and all wealthy OECD countries
>>>>>> will
>>>>>> reach a saturation point within the next few years."
>>>>>> Even the Obama Justice Department seems to reject the broadband market
>>>>>> failure thesis. "In any industry subject to significant technological
>>>>>> change, it is important that the evaluation of competition be
>>>>>> forward-looking rather than based on static definitions of products 
>>>>>> and
>>>>>> services," said the Antitrust Division in a January 4 filing to the 
>>>>>> FCC.
>>>>>> "In
>>>>>> the case of broadband services, it's clear that the market is shifting
>>>>>> generally in the direction of faster speeds and additional mobility."
>>>>>> Justice concludes that while "enacting some form of regulation to
>>>>>> prevent
>>>>>> certain providers from exercising monopoly control may be tempting . . 
>>>>>> .
>>>>>> care must be taken to avoid stifling the infrastructure investments
>>>>>> needed
>>>>>> to expand broadband access."
>>>>>> No matter, the default position of the Obama Administration is that
>>>>>> little
>>>>>> useful happens without government, so the FCC is busy planning. 
>>>>>> Chairman
>>>>>> Julius Genachowski is sympathetic to net neutrality regulations that
>>>>>> would
>>>>>> prevent Internet service providers from using differentiated pricing 
>>>>>> to
>>>>>> manage Web traffic. Liberal interest groups like Public Knowledge and
>>>>>> Harvard's Berkman Center for the Internet and Society are urging the
>>>>>> agency
>>>>>> to reinstitute "open access" mandates that would force cable operators
>>>>>> and
>>>>>> phone companies to share their infrastructure with rivals at
>>>>>> government-set
>>>>>> prices.
>>>>>> The irony is that the private investment and innovation of recent 
>>>>>> years
>>>>>> have
>>>>>> occurred in the wake of the FCC rolling back similar rules that held
>>>>>> back
>>>>>> telecom in the 1990s. Consumers continue to have access to more and 
>>>>>> more
>>>>>> broadband services, while Google, YouTube, iTunes, Facebook and 
>>>>>> Netflix
>>>>>> originated in the U.S.
>>>>>> Doesn't the Obama Administration have enough to do than mess with a 
>>>>>> part
>>>>>> of
>>>>>> the U.S. economy that is working well?
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> Jeff
>>>>>> Jeff Broadwick
>>>>>> Sales Manager, ImageStream
>>>>>> 800-813-5123 x106     (US/Can)
>>>>>> +1 574-935-8484 x106  (Int'l)
>>>>>> +1 574-935-8488       (Fax)
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>>>>>> Jack Unger - President, Ask-Wi.Com, Inc.
>>>>>> Network Design - Technical Writing - Technical Training
>>>>>> Serving the Broadband Wireless, Networking and Telecom Communities 
>>>>>> Since
>>>>>> 1993
>>>>>> www.ask-wi.com  818-227-4220  jun...@ask-wi.com
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>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Jack Unger - President, Ask-Wi.Com, Inc.
>>>>>> Network Design - Technical Writing - Technical Training
>>>>>> Serving the Broadband Wireless, Networking and Telecom Communities 
>>>>>> Since
>>>>>> 1993
>>>>>> www.ask-wi.com  818-227-4220  jun...@ask-wi.com
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>>>> --------------
>>>> Chuck Bartosch
>>>> Clarity Connect, Inc.
>>>> 200 Pleasant Grove Road
>>>> Ithaca, NY 14850
>>>> (607) 257-8268
>>>> "When the stars threw down their spears,
>>>> and water'd heaven with their tears,
>>>> Did He smile, His work to see?
>>>> Did He who made the Lamb make thee?"
>>>>> From William Blake's Tiger!, Tiger!
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>> --------------
>> Chuck Bartosch
>> Clarity Connect, Inc.
>> 200 Pleasant Grove Road
>> Ithaca, NY 14850
>> (607) 257-8268
>> "When the stars threw down their spears,
>> and water'd heaven with their tears,
>> Did He smile, His work to see?
>> Did He who made the Lamb make thee?"
>> >From William Blake's Tiger!, Tiger!
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