        You are not reading the report. The census block consumer reported data 
NOT FROM THE 477 DATA. This is information compiled from various large
marketing companies around the US and gets tabulated every 60 days. The
version I used was from the first two quarters of 2009 so it is very fresh.
If you know WHERE the broadband activity is reported and you know how many
active households there are in each census block, you also know the number
of households that DON'T have access to broadband by simply adding up the
household counts in the blocks without reported broadband. The household
counts are established by the number of active addresses in the block for
the same period and are not projections from the 2000 census numbers. We are
NOT talking about the number of households that don't subscribe where
broadband is available when speaking about the number of households without
ACCESS to broadband. One only has to total the households in the census
blocks that do not report any broadband activity to figure out the number
not served.

        The reason there has never been a report like this before is because 
has never been a company that compiled the marketing data at the census
block level prior to July.

Thank You,
Brian Webster

-----Original Message-----
From: Marlon K. Schafer []
Sent: Wednesday, January 20, 2010 11:46 PM
To:; WISPA General List
Subject: Re: [WISPA] From Today's WSJ

Heya Brian,

That's the take I had on this.  That the number of households services was
based on the 477 data.  I didn't see any other data sets that would give an
indication of the number of actually services households.

If the study is based only on the consumers reported via the 477 it's likely
to be quite inaccurate.

People in government etc. are often quite amazed at the number of customers
that I service out here.  And I'm just one of a great many companies
offering services in the area.

I'm trying to get a handle on what additional sources of fact based
information are out there.  It's important to know what the real number is
and yours seems very high to me.  I don't think it'll be helpful in the long
term if we have a number that gets blown out of the water in the upcoming


----- Original Message -----
From: "Brian Webster" <>
To: "WISPA General List" <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 20, 2010 8:00 PM
Subject: Re: [WISPA] From Today's WSJ

> Marlon,
> Read this take rate brief I wrote with one of the data companies I work
> with. It will take you about 10 minutes. It goes in to specific detail of
> how the study was conducted and the sources of the data. It was written
> for
> the 10 minute managers of the world. The key to being able to come up with
> the numbers was having the data at the census block level in the first
> place. Prior to July of this year there were no sources that I am aware
> of.
> The only information drawn from the form 477 is the total number of
> residential subscribers by state. The number of households without access
> to
> broadband has no relationship to the 477 data. That should be spelled out
> in
> the report.
> Thank You,
> Brian Webster
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []on
> Behalf Of Marlon K. Schafer
> Sent: Wednesday, January 20, 2010 8:32 PM
> To: WISPA General List
> Subject: Re: [WISPA] From Today's WSJ
> OK, as I understand that the report is based upon the 477 data?
> marlon
>  ----- Original Message -----
>  From: Jack Unger
>  To: WISPA General List
>  Sent: Wednesday, January 20, 2010 9:41 AM
>  Subject: Re: [WISPA] From Today's WSJ
>  Marlon,
>  See the attached report. Go to Table 2 on page 11. Look at the last cell
> in the lower, right-hand corner.
>  jack
>  Marlon K. Schafer wrote:
> I still don't buy that number in the first place.  I wish I knew more
> about
> how Brian came up with it.
> What % of rural households does that work out to be?
> marlon
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Jack Unger" <>
> To: "WISPA General List" <>
> Sent: Wednesday, January 20, 2010 8:27 AM
> Subject: Re: [WISPA] From Today's WSJ
>  Sorry but this article (accidentally or intentionally) misses or (more
> likely) ignores the point that 24 or more million occupied American
> households have no access to broadband. The WSJ is merely a mouthpiece
> (especially now that Rupurt Murdoch owns it) for the telcos.
> jack
> Jeff Broadwick wrote:
> ml?mod=WSJ_Opinion_AboveLEFTTop
>    * JANUARY 20, 2010
> A 'National Broadband Plan'
> One more solution in search of a problem.
> The Federal Communications Commission recently told Congress that it will
> miss a February deadline for delivering a "national broadband plan" and
> requested a one-month extension. If it keeps missing deadlines, nearly
> everyone in the U.S. might soon have high-speed Internet.
> As part of last year's stimulus package, Congress asked the FCC for a
> plan
> to ensure that everybody in the country has access to broadband. That's a
> worthy goal, but the idea of a government plan is based on a false
> presumption that the spread of broadband is stalled. The reality is that
> broadband adoption continues apace, as does the quality and speed of
> Internet connections.
> Between 2000 and 2008, residential broadband subscribers grew to 80
> million
> from five million, according to a study by Bret Swanson of Entropy
> Economics. Broadband penetration among active Internet users at home is
> 94%,
> and nearly 99% of U.S. workers connect to the Internet with broadband. A
> typical cable modem today is 10 times faster than a decade ago. Wireless
> bandwidth growth per capita has been no less impressive, showing a
> 500-fold
> increase since 2000.
> Meanwhile, U.S. information and communications technology investment in
> 2008
> alone totalled $455 billion, or 22% of all U.S. capital investment.
> Nominal
> capital investment in telecom between 2000 and 2008 was more than $3.5
> trillion.
> Those who favor more government control of the Internet ignore this
> private
> progress and point to international rankings. According to OECD
> estimates,
> the U.S. ranks 15th in the world in broadband penetration per capita. But
> because household sizes differ from country to country, and the U.S. has
> relatively large households, the per capita figures can be misleading. A
> better way to gauge wired broadband connections is per household, not per
> person. By that measure the U.S. ranks somewhere between 8th and 10th.
> Such comparisons will soon be moot in any case because broadband
> penetration
> is growing rapidly in all OECD countries. The Technology Policy Institute
> notes that "at the current rates of broadband adoption the U.S. is behind
> the leaders only by a number of months, and all wealthy OECD countries
> will
> reach a saturation point within the next few years."
> Even the Obama Justice Department seems to reject the broadband market
> failure thesis. "In any industry subject to significant technological
> change, it is important that the evaluation of competition be
> forward-looking rather than based on static definitions of products and
> services," said the Antitrust Division in a January 4 filing to the FCC.
> "In
> the case of broadband services, it's clear that the market is shifting
> generally in the direction of faster speeds and additional mobility."
> Justice concludes that while "enacting some form of regulation to prevent
> certain providers from exercising monopoly control may be tempting . . .
> care must be taken to avoid stifling the infrastructure investments
> needed
> to expand broadband access."
> No matter, the default position of the Obama Administration is that
> little
> useful happens without government, so the FCC is busy planning. Chairman
> Julius Genachowski is sympathetic to net neutrality regulations that
> would
> prevent Internet service providers from using differentiated pricing to
> manage Web traffic. Liberal interest groups like Public Knowledge and
> Harvard's Berkman Center for the Internet and Society are urging the
> agency
> to reinstitute "open access" mandates that would force cable operators
> and
> phone companies to share their infrastructure with rivals at
> government-set
> prices.
> The irony is that the private investment and innovation of recent years
> have
> occurred in the wake of the FCC rolling back similar rules that held back
> telecom in the 1990s. Consumers continue to have access to more and more
> broadband services, while Google, YouTube, iTunes, Facebook and Netflix
> originated in the U.S.
> Doesn't the Obama Administration have enough to do than mess with a part
> of
> the U.S. economy that is working well?
> Regards,
> Jeff
> Jeff Broadwick
> Sales Manager, ImageStream
> 800-813-5123 x106     (US/Can)
> +1 574-935-8484 x106  (Int'l)
> +1 574-935-8488       (Fax)
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