You're not wrong, Rick.   But we live in a land with so incredibly much 
wealth, privilege, and opportunity, that there's actually very little that 
politicians can actually DO.   There's so little wrong to "correct" that 
everything they can make a noise about, they blow into a "crisis", when it's 
no crisis at all.    We've allowed them to blow up every minor issue into 
some kind of crisis, to make people with wealth beyond imagining for much of 
the world's population,  think that they're somehow helpless "victims" of 
this land of wealth and ease.    And we've been so gullible in letting them 
control more and more, we HAVE almost ruined our country.

Go watch some video of Haiti, find pictures of what's happened there... And 
I do not in any way believe you can come back and tell me we have ANY crisis 
in this country.   We have difficulties, rather MINOR ones by comparison at 
that, here, but there is no crisis of any kind.

Watch this:

THESE people have a crisis, and darnit, they're putting US to shame with 
their optimism, can-do attitude, and willingness to pull together in and of 
themselves, rather than depend on their government.

Dangit, I have LIVED far beyond the end of the power lines, where there was 
no phone, and "running" water was when you ran and got it, and our house was 
3 rooms and a path.   And I don't consider that time of my life to be 
deprived of anything, nor was I disadvantaged, even though it was some of my 
grade school years.   Is "internet" or "broadband" or a lack of it a big 
factor?   Heck no.   It is a FACTOR, and we should work towards improving 

WE collectively NEED handouts from the taxpayers?   Like hell we do.   All 
we need is some guts and a willingness to actually risk a bit for what we 
actually believe in.    We already have a hell of a lot, all that's really 
lacking is our own individual initiative, courage, and willingness to do 
something.    I point no fingers here at anyone else,  I have been quite 
proficient in my own faults, as far as that's concerned.   But someone's got 
to say it.    We gotta learn to stop making excuses and just go out and do.

From: "RickG" <>
Sent: Friday, January 22, 2010 9:31 AM
To: <>; "WISPA General List" <>
Subject: Re: [WISPA] From Today's WSJ

> That is my point. Over my lifetime, I've done a lot of moving and 
> traveling.
> What I find is that some areas are not as progressive as others - and they
> want it that way. Why do the Feds think they know whats best for these
> areas? Dont the locals know whats best for themselves? If the majority in
> these areas dont want broadband access so be it. If the minority in these
> areas wants it, then they need to change the minds of the majority, figure
> out a way to get it there, or move. Where is my thinking wrong here?
> -RickG

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