That is the way my network is setup using a cisco router at the core. No 
problems that I am aware of. 

Sent from my iPhone4

On Sep 17, 2010, at 8:31 AM, Fred Goldstein <> wrote:

> At 9/17/2010 08:52 AM, Bret Clark wrote:
>> I would have to could switch to all UBNT, but whose to say they 
>> will handle a large bridging network any better? I think before making any 
>> kind hardware change, you need to convert the network into a routed 
>> environment to control traffic. 
> In between bridging and routing, there's switching.  This uses VLAN tags or 
> their equivalent (DLCIs, etc.) to identify streams, rather than MAC addresses 
> as in bridging.  Switching doesn't propagate broadcasts the way bridging 
> wants to.  It's simpler than MPLS, since Cisco didn't develop it ;-) , but 
> does allow the assignment of CIR.  The fiber world is doing a lot of Carrier 
> Ethernet switching.  The small WISP-oriented routers could too, though I 
> don't know how good the support is yet.  They may not have caught on to it.  
> Has anyone tried it on RouterOS or similar OSs?
>> On 09/17/2010 08:39 AM, Justin Wilson wrote: 
>>>    If it’s all bridged then ARP tables fill up, memory runs low, and all 
>>> kinds of things happen.     I know Forbes has mentioned a bridged network 
>>> on here before.  I would put your money into routing the network and then 
>>> get rid of the mikrotiks if they are still problems after the routing is 
>>> done.  You will be amazed at how much a routed network will improve the 
>>> quality of the network.   There are other things he could try to hunt down, 
>>> but until all that bridging is stopped it will be an uphill battle.
>>>     Justin
>>> -- 
>>> Justin Wilson <>
>>> – xISP News
>>> – Follow me on Twitter
>>> Wisp Consulting – Tower Climbing – Network Support
>>> From: Forbes Mercy <>
>>> Reply-To: WISPA General List <>
>>> Date: Fri, 17 Sep 2010 01:27:25 -0700
>>> To: WISPA General List <>
>>> Subject: Re: [WISPA] I'm pulling Mikrotik
>>>    How my day ended, I really don't mean to slight Mikrotik or it's 
>>> dealers.  People who route their networks will have a fraction of the 
>>> problems I have but I have to admit the excuse of "must be your employees" 
>>> or " that never happens" got old about 20 outages ago.  Today I had 8 major 
>>> outages, 4 of them we found a bridge or ports erased and the IP displaying 
>>>  This was an easy fix, log in and add the bridge and ports then 
>>> click on the IP and it came back legitimate again.  Shame we had to make 
>>> the trip to the towers to do that.  The other 4 not so easy, they showed 
>>> the IP correctly but not in Winbox and they had the MAC address as 
>>>, well 12 times, you get it.  Those we had to pull the 
>>> backhaul and reset it then reprogram it.  A hellish day but we didn't miss 
>>> the fact that the UBNT units never crashed no matter what this crazy 
>>> bridging issue was.  It was just a real bad day to be in this business but 
>>> I appreciate the help that I got from Mikrotik dealers who really care to 
>>> help resolve this but are as equally frustrated as I was, while aging about 
>>> 3 years in one day.  Like watching a baby sleep the night is uneventful 
>>> after a 15 hour work day and my with my added worry about taking 4 vacation 
>>> days this weekend.  I wish I could trust the equipment from overreacting to 
>>> every damn bit of unfriendly traffic by shutting down the LAN port or 
>>> resetting the radio but I can't, it's my employees problem now but it will 
>>> certainly take away from the joy of my time off since I know their attitude 
>>> is more like, 'let them wait' then my feeling of 'people down is lost 
>>> income', employees....
>>>  Forbes
>>>  On 9/16/2010 7:44 PM, RickG wrote: 
>>> For me, the StarOS/WRAP combo performed very well since 2004. The only 
>>> issues I had were coax related. Otherwise, I agree, I dont like equipment 
>>> you have to put together. I save my tinkering around for personal stuff but 
>>> much rather have a fully designed radio for commercial purposes.
>>> On Thu, Sep 16, 2010 at 2:31 PM, Mark Nash - Lists <> 
>>> wrote:
>>> There's something to be said for "losing faith" in a technology.  For me,
>>>  it's the "build-it-yourself" radios.  All of them.  Mikrotik & StarOS.  For
>>>  me, I see such a high service call rate for repairs, the need to put in
>>>  redundant backhauls sooner than later because we can almost guarantee
>>>  something's going to malfunction.
>>>  Ubiquiti has brought to us good enough pricing to have us make the "leap of
>>>  faith" and hopefully their product is more stable over time, keeping much 
>>> of
>>>  the success or failure of a unit out of the hands of the installer.
>>>  ----- Original Message -----
>>>  From: "Forbes Mercy" <>
>>>  To: "WISPA General List" <>
>>>  Sent: Thursday, September 16, 2010 11:04 AM
>>>  Subject: [WISPA] I'm pulling Mikrotik
>>>  >  I have about 30 seconds to leave this, I'm going to pull every
>>>  > Mikrotik I have, that's about 30 radios and replace them with UBNIT.
>>>  > I'm sick and tired of spending all last night because two radios just
>>>  > dropped their IP setting to and the other MAC to, today
>>>  > another system storm crash, what stayed up, my two Ubiquiti towers.  You
>>>  > can say what you want but I have daily outages, we never find the cause
>>>  > and I'm sick of it... flame away I don't care I'm just sick of Mikrotik.
>>>  >
>>>  >
>>>  >
>>>  >
>>>  > 
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>  --
>  Fred Goldstein    k1io   fgoldstein "at"   
>  ionary Consulting       
>  +1 617 795 2701
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