On Thu, Dec 16, 2010 at 10:59:23AM -0800, Mark Nash wrote:
> When we forward copyright notices from the entertainment industry 
> lawyers to our customers who download illegally-obtained movies, we get 
> a variety of responses from our customers, ranging from none at all, 
> shocked, angry, understanding, etc.
> This takes the cake...DEFINITELY my favorite...gettin a little 
> wrist-slap from dad...
> (names have been changed to protect the guilty)...
> *******************
> Hello this is Taylor Wisdom, Bill Wisdom's son. My father just informed 
> me of an email he received from UnwiredWest via Mark Nash regarding the 
> downloading of a film which violated copy infringement laws. The was 
> labeled "Takers". I did download the film "Takers" from a bit torrent 
> website and have since then deleted the film and any programs affiliated 
> with them. This sort of copyright infringement will not happen again. I 
> do apologize for the inconvenience.
> Sincerely,
> Taylor Wisdom
> *******************

Sounds like most of the conversations we used to have with the 13
year old script-kiddy-wannabes in the late 90's.  The parents had
no clue what the kids were up to, but got very serious with the
kids when we called them at 2am to report their mis-behaviour.

One kid's father scared hime enough that when one of his IRC friends
from another state said he was going to use a password he found for
one of our customer's on our shell server, the kid told Dad and Dad
dialed the phone and handed it back to the kid.  He ended up talking
to me.  I watched the other kid log in and run a few commands.  The
shells were all patched to log every command run to a central log
file we could tail -f.  He gave me the location and name of the
other kid. We called that kids's phone number:

Us: "Get off my server."

Kid: "I don't know what you're talking about dude."

Us: "You are logged in as user blah from IP address blither.  The
     last command you ran was blah blah blah."

Kid: "I'm off."

The change from cocky to "oh sh**" was fun for us.

Us: "Go get your Dad."

I think that one ended up in Juvie.  It wasn't his first offence
and his dad had promised to send him up the river the next time he
did any hacking.  We were the next time he got caught.  Dad said
he had been caught messing with NASA before.

Scott Lambert                    KC5MLE                       Unix SysAdmin

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