> Frankly, the converse of this is also true... Maybe our services are
> 'under-priced' to begin with ? We, because of our cut to the bone
> business model of making little to no profit, choose to sell service at
> a price that takes a lot of factors into consideration and we may have
> 'mis-calculated' on the shifting consumer behavior ?

I've been saying that since 1997 when I was paying $3500 per T1 and I bought
my first Alott box. The problem is people cant pay for what they use and
depend on the over-subscription model.

> B.  Cost of Communication Services Consumed by folks will go UP. (I say
> Communication Cost, not Internet Cost.. go back into time, 20 years ago
> I was spending about $70 on Phone service, $35 on cable Tv... Today, it
> is something like $35 voip/Home Phone + $50 Internet DSL + $70 Cable Tv
> Service + $250 Cell Phone + data Plan..... Over time this will
> consolidate, and the Telco's and cable Co's are fighting to keep as big
> as a share the can off it... Plus there are other pay for services HD /
> DvR / Special Programing etc etc that can  kick in another $100 / month
> from the subscribers...

Can anyone make any money providing all that for $100 or less?

> Unfortunately, the WISP's may not have "other addons" to make money from
> .... personally, when ever I do the un-adulterated business math, I keep
> coming up with conclusions that .. when Gross Revenue from a Subscriber
> hits south of $50/month, it is very difficult to turn healthy profit..
> when it starts to approach $100/month, things start looking a lot more
> reasonable and business like.  This is very much true for the Cable Co's
> and the Telco's as well.

We do have one feature - upload bandwidth. I havent marketed it yet but with
Facebook and such being so popular I hear people grumbling about upload
speed on their DSL & cable.

> --

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