Ok, lets get this in perspective.   I am one, uno, sole, lone person.  While 
I believe I am right, I am NOT interested in saying I have a right to impose 
my views on all this stuff on all the other members of WISPA.   Two years 
ago, I asked, prodded, and then nagged, to see if WISPA would voluntarily 
attempt to get some kind of consensus or perhaps at least write a standard 
of principles when it comes to the business philosophy.  I was booed down.

Like it or not, the semi-political aspects of business, being forced on us 
by an intrusive government, have to be dealt with.  Do you as members 
believe you have a RIGHT to be in business?  Without needing a license from 
some authority?  Do you actually believe in free and unencumbered 
enterprise?  Or does consensus fall elsewhere philosophically?

What are the guiding principles that drive WISPA's policy stands?  Is it 
just advantage for ourselves, however or wherever it can be found, including 
trying to get public money with strings that further tie our industry, or do 
you shoot for freedom first?  If it's not the latter, then me joining will 
not change the philosophy of WISPA and it's advocacy, and I see it's efforts 
as ultimately being negative, not positive for my life and future - 
translated as "no money from me".

Previous conversations on this list lead to a realization that some people 
are afraid to advocate a philosophy that runs counter to whatever ideology 
the regulators hold - as if being "yes men" will curry favor and therefore 
crumbs will fall in greater quantity from the master's table in DC.  But if 
you had a clear philosophy up front, I think you could attract far more 
allies, the kind that stick with you, and help change the conversation. 
You keep asking for people to  to set up and WORK for what you want, but 
continue to refuse to say what it is you intend to work for.

I again ask for the leadership to demonstrate leadership and make a clear 
and unambiguous philosophical stand - and if I can agree with it, then I 
will support with time and dollars and energy.   But until I know it's 
something I can back with a clear conscience, I (and others, as well) remain 
on the sidelines.

Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
541-969-8200  509-386-4589

From: "Forbes Mercy" <forbes.me...@wabroadband.com>
Sent: Saturday, July 16, 2011 3:19 PM
To: "WISPA General List" <wireless@wispa.org>
Subject: Re: [WISPA] The Legislative Situation Is Dire

> I'm sorry I guess I missed you at the Legislative Committee list when I
> was putting this together sending out drafts and asking for comments and
> help </sarcasm>.  WISPA is a representation of those who show up to help
> formulate consensus and policy, not my personal views.  So easy to throw
> darts at the end result when you wouldn't be part of the process, isn't 
> it?

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