"Fast Lanes" were an idea posed by the anti-ISP crowd and then when the big 
ISPs started to catch on to that, the anti-ISP latched onto that as the next 

They wanted paid peering and they got paid peering. NN didn't have any effect 
on that. The FCC specifically said they didn't understand how all that stuff 
works and didn't regulate it. 

Mike Hammett 
Intelligent Computing Solutions 

Midwest Internet Exchange 

The Brothers WISP 

----- Original Message -----

From: "Marco Coelho" <coelh...@gmail.com> 
To: "WISPA General List" <wireless@wispa.org> 
Sent: Saturday, December 16, 2017 11:17:04 AM 
Subject: Re: [WISPA] Network Neutrality talking points 

There is nothing wrong with prioritizing one type of service over another (VOIP 
vs FTP). It leads to a better quality of service for the end user. 
Where this was going sideways earlier was when the big ISP companies were going 
to charge Netflix and Hulu directly if they wanted priority on their backbones. 

On Fri, Dec 15, 2017 at 7:48 PM, Sean Heskett < s...@zirkel.us > wrote: 

Yes but do you prioritize vonage over ooma??? 


[Sent from mobile] 

On Dec 15, 2017, at 6:33 PM, James Wilson < ja...@ridgecomms.com > wrote: 


Don't we prioritize VoIP? 

On Dec 15, 2017 4:04 PM, "Josh Luthman" < j...@imaginenetworksllc.com > wrote: 


This is fantastic. 

Josh Luthman 
Office: 937-552-2340 
Direct: 937-552-2343 
1100 Wayne St 
Suite 1337 
Troy, OH 45373 

On Dec 15, 2017 3:53 PM, "Mark Radabaugh" < m...@amplex.net > wrote: 


For your use, re-posted from last week: 

Talking Points for WISPA Members on “Net Neutrality” and “Internet Freedom” 
December 2017 

Overview for WISPA Members 

· These talking points are not intended to be used proactively. WISPA is not 
taking a proactive role in advocacy on this issue, and we do not recommend that 
you do. 
· The intent is to help you be prepared for media and public inquiries if they 
do come in. 
· If you receive a query about your company’s position on net neutrality, or 
WISPA’s position, we encourage you to refer it to us to handle. Please send it 
o Dale Curtis, WISPA Communications Support, d...@dalecurtiscommunications.com 
· If you do choose to answer a media or public query: 
o Please let us know, preferably in advance; and 
o Please stick to this script; going off script could create problems for you 
and your business. 

General Tips 

· Any statements you make must be 100% truthful and backed-up with facts; so 
please don’t say anything that is untrue or unsupportable with facts. 
· If you don’t know the answer to a question, just say so. A convenient way to 
say it is: “I don’t know about that , but what I do know is …” 
· Don’t bring up other issues. 

Talking Points 

· Let’s be clear: We support a free and open internet. 
o We don’t block, throttle, or prioritize any content. 
o We disclose our terms of service in plain English. 
o We support robust privacy protections for our customers. 
o Those are the core elements of “net neutrality,” and we support them. 

· We believe you can have a free and open internet without heavy-handed 
regulation and enforcement that is ill-suited for small providers. 

· What was wrong with the way the internet was regulated up until two years 
ago? It worked well then, and it will again. 

· FCC regulations designed to treat all internet providers like large monopoly 
utilities – with open-ended and vaguely worded requirements, all subject to 
bureaucratic whim – are taking resources away from investment in under-served 
areas and diverting them instead toward lawyers and compliance consultants. 

· When our compliance costs go up because of government action, we either have 
to reduce investment in our business or pass those costs on to our customers. 

Wireless mailing list 

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Marco C. Coelho 
Argon Technologies Inc. 
POB 875 
Greenville, TX 75403-0875 
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