Scott! This is an amazing discovery and I'm glad to see the folks at
Witango are on top of the issue and keeping up with it. I would strongly
suggest they even go so far as to patenting the Witango version of the
Whitespace capability. I mean, this has significant usage potential outside
of the programming and IT fields. Imagine Whitespace roadside advertising
controlled by a Witango Whitespace backend server! How about Whitespace, do
it yourself, photo kiosks? We've all seen the Goodyear blimp and the
advertising on the side. Imagine the advances they could have in advertising
revenue if they were using the Whitespace server capabilities? Heck, you
could take this farther with Whitespace television, radio, gas stations,
highway signs, dating services, employment bulletin boards, traffic lights
and so much more!

   Yep, Witango has a winner here!

   As Always,
   Gene Wolf

-----Original Message-----
From: Scott Cadillac [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2003 11:54 AM
Subject: Witango-Talk: Witango supports Whitespace programming...

Hi Everyone,

Just thought you'd like to know that Witango v5 supports Whitespace
Programming, which could be an excellent method for protecting any
distributed source code - see the following link, which includes tutorials,
and source code downloads:

(Runs on Linux too...)

Attached is a simple TAF that demonstrates assigning a value to a Whitespace
Variable and a call to the Variable to display the value. A live running
copy of the TAF is available on my site to see Whitespace code in action:

Enjoy........ :-)

Scott Cadillac, -
403-281-6090 - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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