It sounds like the Pro app server is the way to go for us. (Was kinda hoping for a real easy quick improvement.) We'll be sure to test different mixes of processes and THREADPOOLSIZE.

Otherwise, I think changing our code will yield the biggest benefits but takes the most time/effort. But we'll look into your other suggestions, too.

- Jeff


My experience is in Windows, so this might not fully apply. Also, the
post by Phil is worth its weight...

You should note that LOWERING the THREADPOOLSIZE is generally a good
thing, as Witango (the daemon) needs to do less managing of threads, and
spends more time processing. As you saw, Phil suggested a Max of 20
threads, and adding processes (using that Pro license of yours) to get
the results you are looking for. I've recently raised my servers to 15
on the threadpool, and ran at 10 before then for almost a year. Any less
seems to cause unnecessary congestion and queuing on all but the
lightest traffic sites. Mind you that I have 4 processes (each on its
own CPU), so my system can handle as many as 60 concurrent queries,
quite easily in fact.

All this talk of threadpoolsize, however, doesn't really solve the
problem. Setting your application to process more or less threads at a
time is typically a workaround at best, it's rarely neither a solution
nor the problem.

I would recommend (in no particular order):
- Moving the DB service to anther box.
- Adding a little more memory (2 GB), and force your services use it.
- Getting that Pro license running with at least one more Witangod
- Watching your server to see if other items, command line functions,
JavaBeans, externals or server utilities are taking up resources
- Looking at TAF run times and see if better programming can reduce
execution time.
- Looking at SQL traces to see if index optimization on the DB can help
reduce SQL query time.
- Make sure caching is ON (this could be huge).


-----Original Message-----
From: Jeff Bohmer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2004 7:25 PM
Subject: Witango-Talk: Raising thread pool size

It has been mentioned on this list that setting THREADPOOLSIZE below the default of 20 may make the app server unstable.

Is it ever wise to raise that setting?

Background:  we're seeing a lot of traffic on our sites at times.
Maybe raising THREADPOOLSIZE would help.  The machine is a 2.4GHz P4
(hyper threading disabled) with 1.5GB RAM running Red Hat 9.  We do
have a Pro app server license, but still need to make changes to our
code before we can safely use it.

- Jeff

Jeff Bohmer
VisionLink, Inc.
People. Tools. Change. Community.

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