I stated earlier that using the <@URL> is running the ASP file correctly. Apparently that is not the case.

When I use this tag to run the asp script, none of the post args are working. I guess I am back to square one.

I'll try to start over.

Is there any way to run an asp script in a Witango file?

just strip out all the output from your asp script so that the only thing it returns is the filename you're looking for. since you're not using the asp script the way it was intended to be used you don't need all the "presentation" that goes along with it.


Dave Shelley wrote:

Try assigning the result of the @url tag to a variable and parse that to
get the asp filename.

Either use a regex expression to get the value between the 'embed src='
and the '/embed' strings, or use @locate to get the position of the
embed tags and use @substring to extract the value of the filename from
between them.

If you display the variable returned to the @url tag without any
encoding it should show the html for the embed tag and help you debug


-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: June 14, 2004 7:40 AM
Subject: Witango-Talk: ASP Again

Okay, here's the deal.

Witango 2000

I have a program that I purchased that allows me to write directly to pdfs via web input. The pdfs already exist, and the program automatically saves the altered pdfs as a timestamp and random number. The program utilizes asp to accomplish this.

I am using the <@URL> tag to run the program via Witango and it is working well (thanks), but I am having a difficult time trying to figure out a way to get the new pdf file name into a variable. I need this so I can write a routine that will email the file and save the info in a db.

Tha last line in the ASP file allows for an embed to display the newly created pdf. I don't want to display the pdf, but I need to get the name somwhow over to Witango. Is this possible? the last line is...

<embed src="./<%Response.Write filename%>"></embed>

I take it that "filename" is the asp variable. I also take it that <%Respone.Write filename%> can be used to write out and display the name (which it does).

Is there any way to carry this variable into a Witango variable? Kind of like...

<@ASSIGN pdfName "<%Respone.Write filename%>">


I am an ASP and VBscript illiturate.


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