Title: Message
Right, the URL I gave works (those are underscores, not spaces), but leaves the arguments in the address window.  Even with hidden args, a form requires a button & takes up room that I don't really have readily available.  That's why I was trying to figure out if there was some sneaky third method known only to wizened gurus and Witango experts.  ;^)
Thanks.     j
-----Original Message-----
From: Rick Sanders [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, July 13, 2004 10:22 AM
Subject: Re: Witango-Talk: Passing search arguments across links

First off, yes you can pass those parameters in the URL. Just be sure that if you use spaces, that you put in the %20 parameter for spaces if the argument value contains spaces:
DSL modem would be: DSL%20Modem.
In the link you provided after the function=list there looks like there is a space between the & and the word type. If it's an underscore, then that's ok. If it is a space, you'll have to put the word search right after the &.
As far as getting the values out of the address window, simply create a form with hidden values:
<input type=hidden name="type" value="search">
<input type=hidden name="beg" value="1">
Then, it won't be displayed on the page, or in the address.
Rick Sanders

I have an app that gives web access to pdf documents (policies & procedures).  It includes a search form that allows users to search all of the db fields and list appropriate policies.

I have a completely separate webapp.  I need to add a link within that app that will bring up the p&p app, with specific policies listed.  The policies that need to be listed have matching policy numbers, so the correct listing can be created by putting the proper info in the search form.

I can create a link that will do exactly what I want, like so:


The search argument is listed in the link reference (SearchFor=frmidx).

Question:  is there another way to pass this search arg info (and keep it out of the browser address)?  There's not really room to set up a form on the other page, there's barely enough room for a link title.

Thanks for any suggestions!

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