Hi all !

I have a working app that do sql searches, calculations and then present the resultset in Excel.
I’m trying to insert a progress bar to the browser while the search and calculation works.
I insert a pushed result action before the sql and calc parts and it shows in the browser ok
when the sql and calc are finished the result now only shows in the browser and not to Excel.

If it’s not possible to use push, how can I create a progress bar before presenting the resultset to Excel ?
The http header looks like this:


<@ASSIGN local$DebugMode "ForceOff">

<@ASSIGN local$FileExtension ".xls">

<@ASSIGN local$FileName value="Labsvar">

<@ASSIGN local$Tab '<@CHAR CODE="9">'>

<@ASSIGN local$httpHeader 'HTTP/1.1 <@HTTPSTATUSCODE> <@HTTPREASONPHRASE><@CRLF>Content-type: application/vnd.ms-excel<@CRLF>Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=<@VAR local$FileName><@VAR local$FileExtension><@CRLF>Location: http://<@CGIPARAM SERVER_NAME>/<@VAR local$FileName><@VAR local$FileExtension><@CRLF><@CRLF>'>

<@ASSIGN local$encodeResults FALSE>


</@EXCLUDE><@PURGERESULTS><@var request$exceldata encoding="none">


Hope anyone can guide me on this one.



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