Some good points Rick,

But I think the number of years Tango has been struggling as a product is just as wide open to personal interpretation as who started the bitch-fest that led Phil to stop answering Posts in the first place.


On Sep-22-2009, at 4:37 PM, Rick Sanders wrote:

I disagree with the first and second paragraphs. When With took over WiTango they made many promises. They promised continued support, new versions, a
better distribution infrastructure, more market awareness.....
As developers this was good news. As business people we go by what other people say and take their word. So, the writing has not been on the wall for
9 years, but definitely in the last 2.

If the product is in fact dead or dropped, then they should come out and say so instead of not saying anything at all leaving false hope. At least tell people to move on. Although many people were upset when Visual studio was first released and VB developers would have to learn new ways of developing applications and re-writing applications, at least Microsoft came out and told people VB is no longer supported and you have to learn .net. WiTango
should do the same in my opinion.

No, Phil and Sophie don't need to respond to threats or insults. I totally agree. But, maybe they should recognize why they are getting threats and
insults and address the issue of WiTango.

[------------------------------------------ Scott Wrote:

The writing has been on the wall for 9 years - 9 YEARS [one more and it'll
be 10!], so if people feel they have been burned by Phil...
well, that's what happens when you can't stop yourself from gambling.
Eventually you lose.

As for who started the unprofessional death-spiral, I think fingers can be pointed in a lot of directions that don't necessarily take you down- under.

I haven't had personal correspondence with Phil or Sophie in over 3 or
4 years I think, so I have no idea what they're up to, but I don't blame them one bit for not answering the threats or insults that come from some
people on this List.


Rick Sanders
Canada: 902-431-7279
USA:       919-799-9076



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